Part 34- Fear

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The door buzzed, startling Carole from her thoughts. She waited, too afraid to leave the room. It buzzed repeatedly...more frantic,  then whoever it was began knocking on the door.

"Carole!" The voice was low and concerned. "Carole, it's me, Ritchie. Can you open the door?"

She moved slowly from the bedroom and down the hall. He knocked again.


"I'm here." 

"Can you open the door?"

"Are you on your own?"

"Of course I am! Carole, please let me in!"

"Ben's not with you?"


He listened as he heard the key being turned in the lock.  The door was opened slightly and Carole's face could just be seen.

"Hi." He gave her an encouraging smile. "Can I come in?"

She nodded and moved back. Ritchie slipped inside and then closed the door behind him.

"Put the deadlock on!" Carole panicked, "Quick. Before he comes back!"

Ritchie did as she asked then went to her. He held out his arms. "You're safe now Carole. I'm here."

She went to him and he held her. He could feel her shaking with fear. 

"Let's go and sit down," he said softly, "and you can tell me what's happened."

 He took her hand and lead her to the sitting room. Carole sat on the sofa whilst Ritchie perched on the corner of the coffee table, close to her.

"Can I get you a drink or something Carole love?"

She shook her head, avoiding his eyes. He gently took her hand. "look at me sweetheart. You're safe now."

She slowly looked at him. Seeing her face so pale and drawn touched him deeply.

"What's happened Carole?"

"He was waiting when I got home!" 


She nodded, her eyes filled with tears. 

Feeling anger rising in him, he immediately wanted to protect her. "What did he do to you Carole?"

"A neighbour told Ben that she'd seen me holding hands with a new man. Then getting into a car with him. Ben knew it was you and he was so angry! I've never seen him like that before! I tried to explain what had happened but I couldn't get him understand then...." 

As she pushed her hair from her face, Ritchie could see her hands were still shaking. 

"He grabbed me and hurt me!  He wouldn't stop!" She began to sob. "No matter how I asked, he wouldn't stop!"

Ritchie  simply held her whilst she cried then, as she quietened, he moved away.

"Are you hurt Carole love? Do you need a doctor or to go to the hospital?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm just scared to death and bruised!!" She gave him a sad smile and sighed. "I'm sorry for disturbing you. I could hear noises and was terrified it was Ben coming back." She began to cry again. "I didn't want to be on my own...."

"It's fine! Don't worry about me. I'm glad you felt you could call me." He smiled and stood up, "I fancy a cup of tea, what about you?"


Whilst Ritchie disappeared into the kitchen, Carole settled herself into a corner of the sofa. She put her feet up and hugged her knees.  Taking deep breaths, she tried to relax but only succeeded in crying again. Ritchie returned carrying two cups and a plate of toast. Despite her tears, Carole couldn't help but smile, as this was a reminder of the suppers they had shared many times when he came back from recording with the lads. He handed her a cup.

"Thanks." She began to sip it slowly. Ritchie offered her food. She took a piece to be polite and took a small bite. Suddenly she was starving hungry, having not eaten since lunch with Ritchie As he had expected, by the time she'd had two cups of tea and three pieces of toast, she was more relaxed and her colour was returning.

"Feeling better now?"

"Thank you." Carole nodded then yawned. "I'm just desperately tired now."

"Then sleep."

"I can't ...Ben..."

"Listen, you settle and sleep and I'll stay with you until tomorrow."

"You will?" He face showed her surprise.

He nodded. "I'm not going to leave you on your own like this, am I?"

"Thanks Ritchie. I can't thank you enough for this ...."

"Shhh!" He silenced her gently. "Sleep. I don't need thanks. Call it returning the favour." He took the throw from the back of the sofa. "Lie down and I can cover you up."

Carole followed his request. Once she was settled, he turned off the lights except for one in the hall with cast a comforting glow into the room. Within minutes she was asleep.

Ritchie settled himself into the armchair nearest the door. He could see how Carole was finally fast asleep, no doubt the adrenaline of the evening leaving her exhausted! He watched her, studying her face as she slept. She was still a very beautiful woman, kind and loving. He found it hard to understand why any man would want to treat her the way Ben, and of course, her husband Bobby had done. He thought about how he'd adored her but, when faced with the choice, he chosen fatherhood. He realised hadn't treated Carole any better than Bobby or Ben yet they continued  share and comfortable friendship. She'd helped him in his time of need so he would do the same for her.  He would do all he could to help Carole through whatever choices she made regarding Ben.

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