Part 3 - Friends

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Carole hesitated on the doorstep whilst Cynthia paid the taxi driver. She was scared to go in, uncertain of what, or who she would find there. Cynthia looked at her.

"Have you got the key Carole?" she asked.

Carole nodded. She held out her hand and the key. "Can you open it? Please?"

Looking puzzled, Cynthia took the key and opened the door. She stood to one side so that Carole could go in first. She shook her head.

"You first. Please."

The two woman walked from the small hallway into the living room. It was a mess. Bobby had clearly been around but done nothing to clear up after himself!

"I'm sorry," Carole muttered, mortified,  "The mess ...Bobby..."

"Don't worry," said Cynthia cheerfully, "John's the same when he's home. Can I make us both a cup of tea then I'll do some tidying for you?"

Carole nodded. "I don't know if there's anything in."

Cynthia moved towards the kitchen. She opened the door and suddenly both woman heaved at the stench! Cynthia ran forward and opened the back door. As daylight flooded in through the door it was easy to see how the kitchen was in a mess. Broken crockery still littered the floor. There were even traces of vomit from her bout of morning sickness! Worst of all, and causing the fetid stench, was the pan containing the liver and onions, from THAT night.Only now it was a maggot ridden festering mess! Carole moved towards the mess and, after picking it up and holding it as far away from herself as possible, she went to the door and tossed it out into the dustbin in the back garden. She staggered back in a fell heavily into one of the kitchen chairs. 

"Carole, are you alright?" Cynthia was concerned. "You've gone terribly pale."

"Hurts." she whispered, her eyes screwed up against the pain. She pressed her hand against her side and moaned.

Remembering her own experience of appendicitis, her friend was alarmed. "Shall I call a doctor Carole?"

"No point!" she gasped, "When I lost my baby, I bled too much. They did some sort of operation. It's that that hurts. I'm supposed to take things easy"

Cynthia took her coat off. "Right, let's get you to bed then!" she took Carole's hand, "You lie down and rest. I'll do some cleaning for you."

Carole protested weakly but then submitted to Cynthia's gentle but persistent cajoling. Finally settled in bed with the cover over her.

"How are you feeling now?" Cynthia asked.

"Better." Carole began to cry. She couldn't help it. It seemed so strange that she should be treated so kindly in her own home! Cynthia hugged her. "Thank you so much. You didn't need to do this. Thank you!"

Cynthia smiled. "Is there anyone who can look after you?"

"I'm ...I'm sure Bobby will be home soon. He'll do it."

"You think?" Cynthia looked thoughtful, "I'll go and do some tidying for you then I'll have to get back. Mum has Julian. She'll wonder where I am."

Carole struggled to sit up. "Cynthia, you go home. Your poor baby will need you. I'll be fine until Bobby gets back."

"You're sure?" She looked doubtful.

Carole nodded. "Definitely. Please. You've helped me enough!"

"If you're sure?" Cynthia hesitated. "I'll write mum's phone number down on some paper. I'll put it on the mantle piece. Call me if you need help. OK?"

"I will. Thank you." Carole moved to get out of bed.

"No, stay there. I'll see myself out."

Carole awoke some time later. She walked slowly downstairs to go to the outside toilet. The house was deathly quiet and she seemed to be alone still. After using the toilet she came back into the kitchen. She longed for a cup of tea. Although there was tea in the caddy, she had no fresh milk. Instead she took a cup and turned on the tap. After drinking the water she moved back into the living room and settled down on the old sofa her and Bobby had been given when they moved in. She fell asleep. 

Her peace and rest was shattered when the front door burst open. She huddled on the sofa, terrified. Then she heard singing...loud drunken singing! It was Bobby and another man. They staggered into the room, swaying and shouting. Seeing her there, Bobby stopped.

"SHE'S BACK!" He shouted, a spiteful laugh despite his drunkeness, "The stupid cow is back!" He stood over her, leering and smelly. "Well. You thought you'd trapped me...saying you were up the duff! Thank god the brats no more! I didn't want one anyway!"

"Bobby please," Carole was crying, hardly able to believe what he was saying about their baby, 

"Well I'm off!" He declared, laughing, "Don't need to be stuck with a useless shag like you any more! THANK GOD YOU FUCKED UP THE TEA AND I HAD AN EXCUSE TO BEAT THE SPROG OUT OF YOU!" 

He spat in her face and walked out of the house.

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