Part 17 - Home coming.

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After a lot of thought and deliberation, Ringo decided not to raise any aspects of Paul's conversation with Carole. That conversation needed to be done face to face so that he could hold her and reassure her everything was OK and that he loved her. He smiled to himself every now and then.... a baby. He was going to be a dad! Everything seemed so amazing. It was what he wanted. A woman he adored and then starting a family. He could understand very easily why Carole was upset. She'd been through all this once  before with Bobby! It would be different this time. He'd make sure of that. They'd have a nice wedding...a nice dress, flowers, party...all the things a girl wants but knew Carole didn't have first time because of the disgrace of being pregnant. He would show her there was no shame in being pregnant this time. He opened the little box he kept in his pocket. Inside was a stunning diamond ring. Three stones, each a carat in size, sparkled on a gold band. He'd bought it ready for when he would be back home with Carole, just a few more days away. He couldn't wait!

Carole was falling into despair. Tomorrow Ritchie would be home. As much as she wanted to see him, she knew it was going to be a turning point in their relationship. She had spent the day cleaning the flat from top to bottom. It hadn't really needed it but she wanted any excuse to be kept busy!! At 10.30pm the phone rang.



Immediately she wanted to cry. Hearing Ritchie's soft voice was too much for her at the moment.

"Carole love?"


"Are you alright my love? What's wrong?"

That did it. Tears rolled down her face. "Nothing."

"You're crying!"

"I'm Ok Ritchie...really I am!" She tried to laugh despite the tears, "I was missing you so much and I didn't expect to hear your voice!"

"You promise you're alright?"

"I'm...I'm fine. Just tired. I've decided to spring clean the flat today!" She told him, "I think I've over done it though! I'm exhausted!"

"Take things easy!" Ritchie was worried. This wouldn't help her if she was pregnant. "You need to rest more!"

"I was about to go to bed just before you rang love." she told him.

"I know it's late love but I wanted to say good night and that I love you."

"Oh Ritchie," she began to cry again, "I love you so  much too!"

They chatted briefly. Ritchie was worried. She was different and clearly worried about something. He felt his excitement growing. It was looking as if Jane's suspicions were right after.

"Can't wait until I'm back with you tomorrow sweetheart." He told her. "I want to hold you and make love to you. I've missed you."

"And I've missed you." Carole replied, fighting tears again.

"Don't cry. Carole, what's wrong? Tell me?"

"Nothing. I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow  Ritchie."

"Right, I'll go now. You go to bed and rest." He told her, "I love you baby."

"And I love you."

After a final goodbye, the call ended. Carole went to the bedroom . Pulling two suitcases from the wardrobe, she packed her belongings. She was ready for tomorrow when Ritchie returned. 

Carole was sat on the sofa, TV on. The return of The Beatles was on the news. About two hours and he'd be here. She glanced at the clock and picked the edge of her fingers nervously. Finally she heard the outside door slam and his key in the door. Bracing herself, she stood up and walked into the hall.

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