Part 35- Friendship.

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As the first fingers of daylight crept into the room, Carole slowly opened her eyes. She sat quietly and pondered the events, not just of the last few days, but have the last few years. She needed to make some major decisions about her life and the direction it was going to take. Ritchie stirred. Carole felt sorry for him. The chair wasn't the most comfortable of places to sleep, poor thing! He opened his eyes and groaned. He saw Carole was now awake too.

"Morning." She smiled at him. "I was just going to make a drink."

"Wonderful!" He groaned again, "God, I'm stiff!"

Carole patted him on the shoulder as she passed him going to the kitchen. Standing waiting for the kettle to boil, her thoughts drifted again. She didn't hear Ritchie come to join her.


She jumped then turned around. "You scared me!"

"Sorry," He gestured with his hand, "Your arms love. Look at them, You're black and blue!"

Carole shifted uncomfortably and tried to hide her arms from him.

"Did Ben do that to you?"

Carole turned attention to the boiling kettle. Ritchie gently took it from her. "Answer me Carole. Did he?"

She nodded. "I told you last night, he grabbed my arms and squeezed them really hard!"

"Has he hurt you before Carole?"

She shook her head.


"Until last night, Ben was never violent towards me....controlling sometimes," she admitted, "but never violent. It won't happen again."

"How can you be so sure of that Carole?"

She looked at him. 

"I'm concerned about you Carole. You helped me when I was at my lowest, I just want to know you're OK."

"It won't happen again," said Carole quietly, "Because it's over. I don't want him in my life anymore and I'm not going to marry him!"

"You're not?"


"And how do you know you'll stick to that decision?"

She looked at him, angry. "You think I'm that weak willed?"

"NO! No, Carole. Once Ben returns..."

"Ben won't be back." she said firmly, "and do you really want to know why I'm so sure of that?"

He nodded.

"Because when I needed help last night. I thought about who I could ring. I realised then that all the friends I had before meeting Ben are no longer in my life. The friends I have now are people that I know through Ben. People he has vetted!" She wiped the tears from her face, "I dialed the number for your flat hoping you still lived there. It was pure guess work Ritchie! I had no one else I could ask!" She forced a smile. "Thank god I've got you as a friend!"

He helped her carry the drinks back into the living room. She sat back on the sofa and, at her invitation because it was comfier, Ritchie joined her there.  They chatter as they drank then Ritchie yawned again. 

"Tired?" Carole asked sympathetically.

"A bit."

"Have another snooze," she suggested, yawing herself, "It's not ever 6am. I'm tired too!"

She moved closer to him and shared the blanket covering them both. Then, yawning again, she snuggled up to him.

"Night Ritchie."

He smiled and kissed the top of her head. "Night Carole."

They fell asleep.



They both jumped with a start. 

"That's Ben!" Carole immediately panicked, "He can't come in. He can't!"


Ritchie stood up. "What do you want to do?"

Already in tears, "Make him go away!" she sobbed, "Please!"

Ritchie walked down the hall. Carole ran after him. "Where are you going?"

"To let him in!"



Ritchie walked back to Carole and put his arms around her. "Let him in. Tell him you want him out of your life and then make him go. I'll be here so he won't hurt you."

"But..." she stopped.

"What love?"

"If he starts anything, you won't fight will you?" 

"No, I'll make sure you're safe and step in then only if that's necessary, I promise."

Carole took a deep breath and then opened the door.

"Oh Carole!" Ben rushed to her, "I'm so sor......" His voice tailed off as Carole stepped away from him, hiding behind Ritchie. "Carole? You don't need to hide from me! I'd never hurt you!"

She moved from her hiding and stood next to Ritchie. She could feel his hand on her back, giving her the confidence to face up to Ben.

"Ben, last night you showed me your true colours. I could never be with a man who would do that to me." She pulled her engagement ring off her finger and offered it back to him. "I think this is your now. I don't need it anymore."

Ben looked at her. She saw tears roll down his face. "Carole baby, I love you! Last night, it was a mistake. A one off! I'd never hurt you ever again. Please! Give us another chance. I love you and I know you love me!" He moved towards her again, "Come on love. Give me a hug."

This time Carole stood her ground, although Ritchie could feel her shaking. 

"NO. I don't want you in my life anymore. I want you to leave."


"I mean it Ben. I don't want to marry you or be with you. It's over and done between us."

"But our business plans. Our life together?"

"Not any more. It's over." She looked grim, "I'm going to give the landlord notice on this flat. I want you and all your stuff out by Tuesday. After that I'll have it removed and sent to the tip."

Ben looked from Carole to Ritchie. "Oh I get it," he sneered, "It's you and him isn't it? You're going to go back to him."

"No I'm not."

"Think I believe you? I'd be a fool to." He turned to Ritchie, "So you dumped her once, married and then dumped your missus and now have gone back to shagging Carole!?!"

"We're NOT a couple!" said Ritchie quietly, "And if we were, it would be none of your business!"

"I meant what I said Ben. Tuesday 5pm or your stuff goes in the tip."

Ben looked at her then snarled. "You bitch! You fucking bitch!" He snatched the ring from her and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Carole fell back against Ritchie, sobbing in relief. He rubbed her back comfortingly. "You were brilliant Carole! Absolutely brilliant!"

She gave a wobbly laugh! "Maybe, but what happens now? You saw how angry he was. What am I going to do when he comes to get his stuff!?"

"That's easy," said Ritchie, "You remember how you gave me a bed when I was in a mess? Well, I've got a spare room you're welcome to use until he's moved out. And if you want, I'll come bck here to make sure he's gone so you're not alone.  After all, what are friends for?"

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