Part 45 - Arrangements.

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From the moment Ritchie knew the children were happy with Carole, wedding arrangements began to be made. As both were divorced, the wedding was booked for a registry office but to be followed by a church blessing. Carole had been persuaded to go for a full wedding dress...the design of which was to be kept secret for the groom. Ritchie had really wanted Carole to have a special a day as possible because of the low key 'shamed' wedding she'd had the first time.  After the wedding service, there was to be a reception held at a hotel in central London.  As expected, Lee was asked to be a bridesmaid and both Maureen and Ritchie were touched at how willing Carole was to let the little girl decide on her own 'princess' look. The boys were less involved but that was their choice. Both were extremely grateful that Carole wasn't going to make them wear a suit. Perhaps the biggest surprise came when Carole asked Maureen to be her chief bridesmaid.... it seemed odd to include the ex wife but Carole and Maureen had fast become firm friends!

Ritchie's main concern was who to ask as his Best Man. After mulling over his choices he made a decision. He told Carole who'd he'd asked over dinner one evening.

"Paul?" Carole was surprised. "Paul as in Paul McCartney?"

He nodded. "You seem surprised?"

"I wasn't aware that you and him were on good terms again, that's all."

He nodded. " and Paul have always been OK. So, what do you think?"

"If you're happy then I'm fine with it love!" She smiled, "Will you be inviting George and John?"

"I'll invite them but whether they'll come is another thing." He shrugged. "I can only try. It's been a while since all the break up crap so you never know.  Anyway, when I asked Paul, he was really chuffed. We've been invited to dinner at their house."

"Where do they live?"

"He's still at Cavendish Avenue." He looked at her, remembering what happened the last time they were there together, "You don't mind going there again do you?"

She shook her head. "All that was so long ago Ritchie. We've both grown and changed. I'm fine with it!"

He nodded and took her hand. "I love you girl, you know that?" He kissed her hand.

"And I love you!" She gave his hand a squeeze. "What's Paul's wife like?"

"Linda? She's nice. Paul thinks the world of her!"

"So he's  behaving then?" Carole remembered how Paul had a roving eye despite being in a  long term relationship with Jane.

"Yes...totally faithful reformed character!" He laughed, "Him and Linda are well suited. They've got three kids too ...all girls!"

"Really?" Carole laughed, somehow that didn't match the description of the Paul she remembered, "I never imagined Paul settling down!"

"Are you sure we're not under- dressed?" Carole looked at Ritchie as they were about to leave. They we both wearing jeans and a shirt.

"We're fine!" He hugged her, "Stop worrying. Paul said casual."

"If you're sure?"

"Come on!"

It was a short drive to Cavendish Avenue and for Carole, it triggered some very mixed memories as she travelled down the familiar streets. 

"LOOK!" She pointed towards the house.


Fans were huddled around the gates of Paul's house, clearly hoping for a glimpse of Paul. Their excitement when Ritchie pulled up was manic, almost reminding Carole of the madness of the 60's but on a smaller scale. Heaving a huge sigh of relief, Ritchie steered the car into Paul's driveway and watched the gates lock firmly behind them.

"How the hell does it still put up with that?" Ritchie exclaimed, "I'd have to move!"

Carole patted his arm. "Hey, it's OK. You're safe love."  she told him sympathetically, remembering how anxious he used to get when mobbed by fans in The Beatles.

He turned to her and smiled. "Sorry. I got wound up!"

"Don't apologise. You're safe with me!"She leaned over and kissed him. He returned the kiss and held her close for a few moments.

Suddenly the car door opened, making them move a part.

"Put her down Starkey!"

 It was Paul. Ritchie got out of the car and hugged his friend. "Hiya Paul mate!"

Carole emerged from around the car. "Hi!"

Carole was immediately swamped by a McCartney hug. "Hello again!" He kissed her on the cheek, "You look even more amazing than Ringo described! How are you?"

"Great thanks. Happy! How are you?"

"Life's brilliant Carole love!" He took her hand, "Come on in and meet the Linda and the kids."

Carole went with Paul, Ritchie hot on her heels. She entered the familiar hallway. A blonde woman was waiting with three little girls. She stepped forward and gave Carole a hug.

"Hi there! Good to meet you at last! Ringo has told us a lot about you!"

Carole laughed nervously. "Nice to meet you too." She looked at the children, "And who do we have here?"

Paul stepped forward. "This threesome are our daughters, Heather, Mary and Stella."

"Hi girls."

The girls mumbled hello. The youngest, Stella, reached up asking Daddy to hold her. With well practiced ease, Paul swung her onto his shoulders and led the group towards the kitchen. Carole held back slightly and took Ritchie's hand.

"You OK?" he whispered. She nodded. He could see she was nervous. "Relax, you'll be fine!"

The children were put to bed before they sat down to dinner. The meal was served in the warm comfy kitchen Carole knew well. The food was delicious and the conversation pleasant. She found Linda a nice person and could see how Paul clearly adored her.

"Do you think you and Ringo will have kids Carole?" asked Paul.

Carole looked from Paul to Ritchie, unsure if he knew her history. Ritchie gave her an apologetic look.

She laughed off the comment. "Who knows?" She grinned, "Being step mum to Zak, Jason and Lee keeps me busy enough. I'm not sure whether adding more would be a good idea!"

Paul laughed. "We're considering another baby, aren't we love?"

"You want to." Linda laughed, "I'm still thinking about it!"

The conversation shifted more until the meal was over. Carole offered to help Linda clear away. Once finished they headed to the living room to join the men.

"Now Paul will either be in his music room," she told Carole, "Or he'll have opened the whiskey!"

Carole was alarmed. She followed Linda into the room and immediately her heart sank. Paul, sat facing her, was holding a whiskey glass.

"Come and join us ladies!" called Paul, raising his glass to them.

Carole moved beside Ritchie and cast him a glance. He held a glass in his hand and saw her face. He smiled at her.

"I thought I'd drive love," he told her softly, "Lemonade. You have a drink if you want." He saw relief flash across her face.


She looked up at Paul.


"Can I have a soft drink please? I'm not a drinker these days."

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