Part 11- No more nice guy!

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Ignoring the words of his secretary, Ringo stormed into Brian's office.


"Don't 'Ringo' me!" he snarled, making Brian step back, shocked. "Who the fuck do you think you are telling Carole to leave and offering her money?"

"I was only thinking of you and the boys Ringo." He stammered, "She's a married woman and..."

"Fuck you!" He continued. "She's got nothing to do with the band!"

"But the damage..."

Ringo pulled an envelope from his pocket. "They'll be no damage or scandal because of Carole Brian! This is my resignation! I. QUIT. THE BEATLES! Got that! Carole comes first as far as I'm concerned!" He waved it in Brian's face!

"Let's discuss this Ringo. No hasty decisions now!" Brian, concerned, reached to stop Ringo leaving the room.

"Get off me!" 

Ringo swung around, his fist unintentionally making contact with Brian's jaw. Brian staggered back, stunned, as Ringo left the room.

Following a strange meeting between Brian and the other Beatles, it was decided unanimously that Paul would approach Ringo to find out what had happened. John, George and Paul were more shocked by Brian's battered face than Ringo's apparent resignation. What had caused their mild mannered cheerful friend to behave in such a way?

It was Carole who answered the door.

"Paul! Come in."

"Ringo in?" 

She nodded. "He's in the living room. Go through, I'll put the kettle on."

"Hello Ringo mate." said Paul, wandering through to find his friend sat watching TV. "You OK there?"

Seeing Paul caused Ringo to scowl. "If Brian's sent you round then don't bother!"

Paul sat down. "Forget Brian! I've come from the four of us...your mates. What's wrong Ringo mate? The resignation letter! What's all that about? We're not The Beatles without you mate?

"YOU'VE  DONE WHAT?"  Carole appeared in the doorway from the kitchen. "YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T MAKE ANY RUSHED DECISIONS!"

"The pair of you just drop it!" shouted Ringo, causing Carole to shrink away from him, afraid. He stamped out of the room.

"Ritchie! WAIT! Please, talk to me!" Carole ran after him.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" The bedroom door slammed in her face.

She walked slowly back to the living room. Paul was still there. 

"Sorry." she whispered. "Still want that cup of tea?"

Paul shook his head. "Forget the tea Carole love." He gestured for her to sit with him. "I don't want to pry into you and Ritchie, but what's happened with him? This is so out of character for him. He hit Brian, for Gods sake!"

Carole looked at Paul in horror. "NO! Is he hurt?"

"A bit bruised. Brian keeps saying it wasn't deliberate but all the same..."

"I should have gone." she whispered.

"Carole? What do you mean?"

"I tried to leave him, but Ritchie stopped me."

Paul looked at her in horror. "He's keeping you here? Against your will?"

Carole shook her head. "I tried to end things between us. I didn't want to but Brian...." Her voice tailed off. She looked away.

"Carole, what did Brian do or say?"

She sighed then quietly explained everything that Brian had said and how Ritchie had reacted. "I'm guessing that's why he's resigned." She looked at Paul. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Carole." He gave her a soft smile."You're a beautiful woman and Ritchie loves you. If anyone's out of line, it's Eppy!"

She nodded.

"Would you mind if I give John and George a call. They need to come and see Ringo and sort things out."

"Of course! Anything that helps!"

Within ten minutes John and George arrived. Carole went back to the bedroom to call Ritchie. She knocked on the door then opened it.

"Ritchie, John and George are here. They want to talk to us both love."

"Sure." Carole noticed her sounded weary.

She turned to go.

"Carole love. Wait."

She stopped and turned round to face him once more. "Yes?"

He climbed off the bed and walked over to her. He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead then put his arms around her.

"I'm sorry I shouted at you. I was annoyed but it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry."

She nodded but said nothing.


"Did you really hit Brian?"

"Look, it's..."

"DID YOU? Yes or no!"

"Yes,  but not intentionally." he answered shamefully.

"YES!" Carole stepped away from him. "What does violence achieve Ritchie? You of all people know what Bobby did to me? How could you?"

"Carole please, I didn't hit him. He reached out to stop me leaving. I pulled my arm away but caught him with my hand. I'm not a violent man!"

She looked at him. He stepped closer but once more she moved away.

"Carole please?"

I thought I knew you Ritchie. But all this, it's not what I want from a relationship. Maybe I should leave afterall. It would sort out so much straight away with the lads and..."

"NO! Carole please! I love you!"

"Bobby said he loved me but look what he did. How long will it be before you accidentally hurt me?" She shook her head. "I can't take that chance Ritchie, not again!"


She turned suddenly. John was stood in the doorway.

"Sorry to interfer but my mate Ritchie wouldn't hurt a soul, I can vouch for that." He slipped his arms around her shoulders. "And Brian himself has said it wasn't a deliberate attempt to hurt him."


John nodded. "Yup! But what we still haven't got to the bottom of why Ringo here would loose his temper with our Eppy. Two nice gentle souls fighting. So..." He looked from Ringo to Carole, "will one of you fill me on what's been going on because anything that upset us Beatles needs dealing with. OK?"

Carole nodded.

"Sure." said Ringo, "Just give me and Carole a minute John. We'll be through then."

"Sure." John wandered back into the living room.

"Now do you believe me Carole love? That I didn't intend to hurt Bri?"

Carole nodded. "I'm sorry..."

Ringo silenced her with a soft kiss. "No, I should be apologising." He told her softly. "I scared you and I'm sorry!"

She kissed him back and Ringo pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. Finally they broke apart, breathless.

"Come on then," he said, offering her his hand, "Let's go and talk this through with the lads.

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