Part 13 - Solutions.

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Carole tossed and turned once more. Sleep avoided her, too many thoughts whirling round and round in her mind! Thoughts of Bobby and her parents. Their shock when she had told them she had to get married! The rushed wedding in the registry office, not the church like her mum had wanted. Carole, the daughter who had been a complete disappointment! How would they react now? Shot gun wedding followed by what was bound to be a very public divorce whilst living with Ringo Starr! Her parents would NEVER talk to her again!

Then there was Ritchie. Ritchie, the man who had seemed so genuinely lovely. She thought about his good points. The way he made her feel... with him she was the most important person in he world! He'd even resigned from The Beatles for her! She knew the events with Brian were out of character. Out of anyone she knew...and as Paul said... anyone he knew, he was the calmest, most level headed person you could ever wish to meet. And he loved her. Just her. 

Glancing at the clock, she saw it now 3am. She sighed and climbed out of bed, giving up on sleep. Throwing on her dressing gown, she quietly left her room and padded into the kitchen to get herself a drink. Carole stopped briefly by Ritchie's door to see if she could her him. Nothing. She went straight to the kettle and lit the gas before flicking the light on. Pressing the switch, she blinked in the brightness.


He was sat at the table nursing a cup of tea. "Hello love. You OK?"

"I couldn't sleep." she told him. "Mind if I join you?"

He nodded and she sat down. Thje silence stretched awkwardly between them.

"How are you feeling now?" Ritchie's voice was low, uncertain.

"I've done a lot of thinking. Looking back on my life with Bobby and the mess I was in when I found out I was expecting.  My parents, they went mad! They controlled everything I did...then Bobby did he same. So, I've realised that it's time I took control of my own life."

He nodded. "Sensible idea."

Carole nodded. "So from now on, I'm going to live my life my way. I'm not going to let anyone judge me or tell me what to do or think. I want to control my own happiness."

"What about you and me? Is there room in your life for that?" His eyes searched her face for the answer.

"Ritchie, from the moment I met you, I thought you were different. Good different! You've shown me the greatest respect and love. You've protected me and shown me how important I am to you. For that, I love you so much. The thing with Brian though, it really  scared me! I can't deny that Ritchie...after Bobby, the fear of violence is always there."

"I can understand that."

She smiled. "The thing is, you are different Ritchie. You're level headed and sensible. You think things through and I've realised that what happened with Brian, well it was for me. You wanted to protect me from his attitude because you love me."

Ritchie nodded. "Completely."

Carole got out of her seat and sat on his knee. "It's that that has made me realise that you'd wouldn't ever hurt me. You wouldn't protect me in one way to hurt me in another! I'm sorry that I doubted you Ritchie."

He looked up at her, his eyes hopeful. "Does that mean you'll stay? That you and me are still together?"

Carole nodded. "Yes. More than ever Ritchie. Being with you is where I want to be." She leaned over and kissed him softly. "Where I'm supposed to be! Now, I'm tired and cold. Fancy going to bed?"

Ritchie smiled. "I hope that means together?"

"What else!" Carole giggled and ran off to Ritchie's room. He followed her. He found her already in the bed.

"Comfy?" he asked, climbing in beside her and opening his arms for a hug.

"I am now!" Carole replied, snuggling in to him.

They lay together for a while, just chatting.

"Ritchie?" asked Carole after a few moments.

"Yes baby?"

"Make love to me. Please." 

He looked at her, surprised but delighted by her request. "Now?"

She nodded and reached up to kiss him. "I want to hold you and feel you. I love you Ritchie and when you make love to me, it's our love I feel. With Bobby, sex was just a not very pleasant physical act. With you, there's an emotional connection that makes me feel so much love for you. Please Ritchie?"

He leaned over once more and began to kiss her. Slowly their passions grew. Carole clung to him as he pushed himself deep inside her. Moving faster and faster, with Carole moaning for him, he loved her until they collapsed breathless together. Immediately Ritchie pulled the cover over them both and they slept.

Waking first, Ritchie smiled when he found Carole still nuzzled with him. Neither must have moved in the night! He lay there, enjoying their shared warmth. Eventually he felt her stir and then she opened her eyes.

"Morning beautiful," he whispered, "Sleep well?"

She beamed at him. "Very. You?"

He kissed her. "How could I not," he whispered, "with you by my side!" 

He pulled her closer and kissed her deeply. She responded immediately. Once more they made love then, energised and happy, they shared a shower before getting dressed. They were sat sharing breakfast when they were disturbed by the phone ringing. Carole went to answer it.

"Where's that bleeding drummer boy when we need him?" It was John.

"Morning John. How's you?"

"Well I'd be fine if we could get this session underway!" His voice loud and sarcastic, "Only we're missing a drummer! Know any?" 

Carole began to laugh. "I'll get Ritchie for you."

Ringo took the call them returned to the kitchen where Carole was waiting for him. "I need to go in love. "


He walked over and kissed her. "I'll try not to be too long but I can't guarantee."

She smiled up at him. "It's OK. Don't worry!"

He kissed her again then collected his car keys before heading towards the door. He stopped suddenly.

"Come with me."

Carole looked surprised. "NOW?"

"Yes...come with me. Come and see me and the lads at work. John said Cyn was coming into town so she'll be there for a while."

"I'd love to, but are you sure the others won't mind?"

"Why would they?" He kissed her forehead, "You're part of The Beatles family now Carole. Well?" He held out his hand top her.

Grabbing her bag, she took his hand and went with him.

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