Part 24- 1973

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"Hello love!" Ben called in delight as Carole entered the bar. He came round and greeted her with a hug and a kiss.

"Hi!" She kissed him back, "Things been busy in here today?"

"Yeah... New Years Eve and all that," He took her hands, "Thanks for agreeing to give me a hand tonight Carole love. I'm sorry I can't you out to celebrate our first New Years Eve together."

Carole smiled as she slipped her coat off. She'd been working at weekends in the bar in Soho for extra cash since October 1972. It had taken a few months of persuading before she had agreed to go  on a date with the manager of the bar, a nice man, a couple of years older than her, named Ben. Now. almost a year since their first date, they were still an item. 

As the evening drew on the bar became busier and busier until eventually it was packed! There was barely room to stand at the bar and both Carole and Ben were rushed off their feet. Carole enjoyed the job and many of the people there were regulars so it was like seeing in the New year with friends. Just as she finished serving a group of people at one side of the bar, she became aware of shouting. She looked to see Ben and one of the regulars making a scruffy and clearly very drunk man leave the bar. The shouting and swearing came from the person being ejected. After checking both were fine, Carole returned to work.

They saw the New Year in together, singing the traditional Auld Lang Syne then, after many hugs and kisses from revellers, the pub closed and Ben locked up.

"Leave the cleaning up til tomorrow morning Carole love!" he told her, "Let's go home." He pulled her into his arms and hugged her. "You were amazing tonight. Thank you."

Carole grinned at him. "I enjoyed it Ben."

He nuzzled her neck and kissed her. "Let's go home. I have a idea as to how we can celebrate 1973 with just you and me!"

Giggling, she kissed him once more and went to collect her coat. They set off walking to Ben's flat just a few streets away. The streets were now quiet, revellers gone home as it was bitterly cold and starting to snow. Snuggled under his arm, they chatted as they walked.

Turning a corner they became aware of two men clearly hurting another who was lying on the floor.

"Hey!" Carole shouted.

Ben pulled her back. "Don't get involved love."

Carole shook herself free. "No! You can't ignore this!" She ran over to the men who after seeing her approaching,  gave the person one last kick before running off. She knelt down beside the victim. "Hello. Are you OK?"

"Fuck off!!" An angry voice slurred at her, clear very drunk.

"Are you hurt?" She tried again.

"Go away!"

"Look, I'll find a phone box and call an ambulance for you! You're bleeding!"


"Leave him Carole, he's the same drunken slob who I threw out of the bar. He's been hanging around the area for a few weeks." Ben was now stood near to her.

"We can't just walk away!" Carole turned to Ben in disgust, "He's hurt and it's so cold he could die if left out here! Go and ring an ambulance!"


"Ben look..."

"We don't know who he is. He's just some saddo on his own."

"Yes....some saddo who needs help!" Carole was angry now. Did Ben really expect her to just walk away?

The drunken man began to vomit. Ben stepped back in disgust.

"You've got sick on your coat!" he shouted, "For goodness sake Carole, come on!"

Carole didn't move. Se continued talking to the man who vomited more. Ben stared at her then turned.

"What are you doing?" Carole asked.

"Me? I'm going home! I'm knackered and freezing!" Ben replied and stalked off.

"Ben...the ambulance!"

"Do it yourself!"

Carole watched as he walked away, debating what to do. Her thoughts were interrupted when the man beside her spoke, this time much calmer than before.

"Who are you? My Good Samaritan?"

She laughed softly. "No...I was passing by and I saw those men hurting you. I was concerned."

"You're very pretty," He peered up at her, his face now swollen from the beating he had received, "Maybe I'm dead and really you're an angel?"

"No...I'm definitely no angel and your eyes must be wrong, I'm not pretty either." She smiled, pleased her seemed more sober now, "I'm Carole."

"Nice name."

"Thank you." She looked worried, "Your face is very swollen. Please, is there someone I can call for you or maybe an ambulance?"

"No ...seriously...I'm a lot better now." He gave her a lopsided grin, "My face hurts like hell but I'll be OK." He began to stand up. Carole held out her hand to help him. Once on his feet he tottered around, finding his balance whilst his hands were in his pockets. "Damn...they've took my bleeding wallet!"

"I can give you some money." offered Carole, reaching for her bag.

"No! I'd have no way of giving it you back!" The man seemed more steady now, "I'll walk home. It'll help me sober up more!" He gave a small laugh.

"OK." Carole was doubtful.

"What about you?" He asked her suddenly, "How's a nice girl like you going to get home safely."

"I'll be OK" said Carole, "My boyfriend lives in the next street."

"Then let me walk you there."

"No I'll be fine really."

"I insist."

Carole linked the man and they began to walk slowly. 

"Anyway," said Carole suddenly, "I've told you my name but you've not told me yours.

The man stopped walking and looked at her. He took off his hat, a tatty cap. "My name's Ritchie, Carole love. Long time no see!"

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