Part 36 - The Meeting.

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"How are you feeling now Carole?" Ritchie came into the room where she was unpacking a bag of belongings.

"A lot better thanks Ritchie," she smiled, "Although this feels very strange." She gestured around the room.

Ritchie nodded. "This was your room when you worked for George and I, wasn't it?"

She nodded. Ritchie glanced at his watch.

"Are you supposed to be somewhere Ritchie?" she asked him softly, "Only that's the third time you've looked at your watch!"

"Sorry!" he looked embarrassed, "I don't want to leave you on your own but I'm supposed to be seeing my children in 45 minutes..."

"Then go."

"Will you be OK?"

"Ritchie, I'm here for a few days. You don't need to keep me company 24 hours a day!" She hugged him, "Go and enjoy some time with your children. I'll be here when you get back!"

"OK," He turned to leave the room, "There's food and stuff, just help yourself!"

"I know. Thanks, Now GO!"

She waved as he disappeared. Once the door closed she saw down on the bed, suddenly weary. Pushing her case with the remaining belongings onto the floor, she pulled back the covers and climbed into bed. 

"Where is she?"

"I'm not sure," he whispered, "She might be asleep. I don't want to frighten her!"

He pushed the bedroom door open slowly. "She's here."

He approached the bed and knelt down. "Carole. Carole love!"

Her eyes shot open and she jerked away from him, clearly terrified.


"Shhh," he put his hand on hers, "Sorry, it's only me. I tried not to startle you too much."

Carole blinked, trying to make sense of the situation. "Ritchie! You're back!" She looked behind him, seeing someone else was in the room. She sat up suddenly.

Ritchie sat on the bed. "Carole love, this is my wife, Maureen." He looked concerned, "I've had to explain that you're staying here for a few days. Just friends. I had to love. I don't want to damage anything to do with the children."

She nodded then looked at the smart, rather pretty woman in front of her. "Hello," she said politely, beginning to get up, "It's nice to meet you." She offered her hand which Maureen shook. "Please, there's nothing between Ritchie and I. We're just friends!" Carole told her anxiously. "I don't want to spoil things...."

"It's OK!" Maureen gave her a genuine smile. "I can see why Ritchie came to your rescue." She nodded to her arms which, once more Carole tried to cover up, "Are you OK now? I couldn't believe it when Ritchie told me about last night."

Carole cast a glance at Ritchie. "I'm...I'm fine thank you. Ritchie offered me somewhere to stay until my ex moves out. I've given him til Tuesday!"

"Good for you!" Maureen smiled at her again. "Ritchie, go and put the kettle on please."

He looked to her. "Carole?"


Carole shifted uncomfortably once they were alone.

"I'm glad I've met you Carole."

"You are?" Carole looked surprised.

"Maureen nodded. "I've heard a lot about you. Plus I wanted to thank you for helping to get Ritchie back on track."

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