Part 39 - Together.

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Once in the bedroom, Ritchie pulled her close to him then stopped. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into Carole's eyes.

"W..What's wrong?" she whispered, suddenly feeling afraid.

"Nothing! Nothing sweetheart." Ritchie replied then kissed her forehead softly, "Come and sit down for a moment." He gestured to the bed.

Puzzled, Carole, still holding his hand, followed him to the bed. She sat down the Ritchie knelt down in front of her. 


"Carole, I ...I want to talk to you about.....well...."

"Just say it Ritchie! Please!" Carole could feel herself panicking, praying he wasn't going to push her away like last time!

"Carole Blackburn, I love you." He gave her a beaming smile. "I know we've tried to be together in the past but this time feels ... different." He looked at her, "I love you."

Carole studied his face. The bright blue eyes looking at her hopefully and his handsome face. Suddenly tears appeared and she quickly blinked them away.  She took is hand and kissed it gently.

"I love you Ritchie. I love you very much!"

Whooping with delight he flung his arms around her and kissed her. She responded eagerly, hoping it would become more. Passions began to grow until suddenly Ritchie stopped.

"What is it?" she asked anxiously.

"I love you Carole... but I don't want to presume anything....about tonight."

She smiled at him, "But I asked you if I could stay the night! Isn't that a clue?"

He laughed. "Maybe but..."

This time she silenced him with a kiss then stood up.

"I think you and I need to have a shower. Get rid of the dust and muck from today." She kissed him again, already undoing the buttons on his shirt, "Then see what happens from there. How does that sound?"

They were both naked and slightly damp from their shared shower. Carole was lying on the bed, Ritchie leaning on one arm by her side, driving her mad with desire!

"RICHARD STARKEY! You're the world's worst tease!"

Ritchie laughed. "Am I my love?" He teased her nipples with his tongue once more! 

Carole moaned, Ritchie moved suddenly and clamped his mouth over hers, swallowing her moans.

"What's the matter baby?" he whispered.

"Please...I want you! I need you!"

"Do you now?" He loomed over her naked body, his erection very evident.

Carole's eyes widened in anticipation. She moved under him, pressing herself against him. "Please Ritchie!"

He positioned himself over her then, in one swift movement, penetrated her fully then began to move.

"Arrrggh!" Carole shouted but then, as he gently moved, she began to moan once more.

Ritchie was overwhelmed! He loved this woman with his whole heart! Her she was, wet with desire...for him. They moved together, a counter rhythm which made Carole's muscles grab and pull his penis as he pounded into her. It was over quite quickly, the couple reaching orgasm together. An intense explosion of pleasure and emotions leaving them drained. Ritchie collapsed onto her.

"Thank you!" he told her, You were amazing!" He kissed her deeply.

He move from her then pulled her close. "I love you!" he whispered, "Never leave me!"

Exhausted, they both fell asleep.

Carole woke suddenly, momentarily disorientated before realising Ritchie was in bed beside her. He was still sound asleep, the sight of him so peaceful, making her smile. She lay watching him in the dim light, just able to make out his face. She remembered their love making from a few hours ago. It had been SO different to before! They'd always been 'active' in the bedroom but the need to be with him, joined with him, had been different and more urgent. It had been a NEED rather than a desire! She moved slowly and placed a kiss on his forehead then carefully climbed out of bed to use the bathroom.

She sighed, annoyed with herself. Her decision to use the main bathroom rather than the en - suite (so as not to disturb Ritchie) had been a mistake. She was now wide awake and unable to settle again. Creeping from the bed once more, she tiptoed into the kitchen. After making herself a cup of tea, she sat at the table. Since having lived alone for so long, she enjoyed the quiet and time with her thoughts. Unaware of how long she had sat there, Carole dozed off, her head in her arms on the table!

The alarm went off. Groaning to himself, Ritchie switched it off quickly but was surprised when Carole didn't stir.

"Wore you out like night did I Car...." He stopped as he turned over and realised she wasn't there. Immediately his heart sank! She'd gone! Left him without a word! He jumped out of bed. calling her name. 

He rushed from the room, calling her and checking every other room, tears pricked his eyes as he seemed to be searching in vain. He came to the kitchen last. Feeling dejected and sad, he pushed the door open. As his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the light, he saw her.

"Carole!" He knelt beside her, his hand on her shoulder, "Carole sweetheart, are you alright! I thought you'd left me!"

She raised her head slowly, still half asleep, "What?" she mumbled, she looked at him, "What's the matter?" She yawned and rubbed her face.

"I thought you'd left me." he repeated quietly, "and I couldn't bear the thought of that!"

Awake now, she stared at him. "Leave you? Why would I leave you?"

"You weren't in bed when I woke up." Ritchie looked sad.

She turned to face him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Ritchie, I couldn't sleep so came in here so I didn't disturb you!" She kissed him. "I'm not planning on going anywhere unless you want me to. I love you!"

Heaving a huge sigh of relief, he kissed her back then took her hands in his. It was now or never he decided.

"Carole Blackburn, will you marry me?"


He smiled. "I'm asking you to be my wife Carole. What do you think?"

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