Part 50 - Holiday.

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Two weeks after her discharge Carole was more her usual self...and restless. Ritchie could see she was generally fed up.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked, wrapping her in his arms. "You've lost your sparkle!"

She shrugged, fighting back tears. 

"Talk to me!" he urged, "Come on...what's wrong?"

"Waiting until I can start treatment ... it feels like I'm waiting forever! It's driving me mad!"

He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "I know but you know what the doctor said love. Your body needs time to recover."

"I know, I know!" Carole snapped then turned away from him. She stamped out of the room.

Ritchie let her go, debating on what he could do to help Carole relax more. An idea came to mind so he went into another room to make some phone calls. After the calls he headed back to the kitchen. It was almost lunch time so he set out t make lunch for them both. Whilst he was busy, Carole returned to the kitchen. She tiptoed up behind him and slipped her arms around his waist.

"Sorry Ritchie!" She whispered, "I shouldn't take out my grumpiness on you!"

He turned around and hugged her back. "Yes you can! It's what I'm here for! If you can't be grumpy with me, who can you be grumpy with!" They kissed. "I've made some lunch. Go and sit down. I'll bring it to the table."

He followed her to the table. Carole smiled when she saw the effort he had gone to and thanked him. He kissed her once more and waved away her thanks.

"You cook most of the time! Any fool can do stuff like this!"

"Well you're a lovely fool then....and I don't deserve you!" she told him.

They ate and chatted. Ritchie could see she was looking more relaxed.

"I was wondering if you fancied going away for a week or two?"

"A holiday!" Carole look surprised. "But I thought you were working with Paul again?"

"Technically I am but I had an idea."

"What sort of idea?"

"Paul owns a house in Scotland. He has a studio there too."


"He's happy to move recording up there, Linda prefers it there anyway and we could go too. What do you think?"

"Where would we stay?" She frowned,  "As much as I like Paul and Linda, it won't be much of a break if we're all in one house!" She looked unconvinced. "Plus, would I actually see anything of you? You know what Paul's like when he gets going!"

Ritchie laughed! "Actually we would! There's only a few bits to do and he wants to spend time with Lin and the kids anyway! And as for where we'd stay, there's a second tiny cottage on the land where was can stay for as long as we want. Well? What do you think?"

Carole thought about the last time she'd been to Paul's Scottish home. It had been beautiful and very peaceful! She nodded, decided that this would be just what she needed to relax beofre her treatment started properly!

"Let's do it!" She told her husband, beaming at him!

Carole stifled a yawn, her eyes drooping. The drive from London to Scotland had been LONG!

"Right," said Paul. They were all sat in the kitchen of the McCartney's Scottish house, the children, who'd slept most of the way,  playing at their feet, "You two ready to make a move to your place before dark? Your Mrs will be asleep pretty soon Ritchie mate!"

"Good idea!" Ritchie nodded, and stood up. "Right kids, see you soon. Bye Lin...thanks for the brew! Come on Carole love."

"Bye Uncle Ritchie!" Paul's three daughters called from their game. 

Carole said her good byes then followed him out to the car where he was stood chatting with Paul. Paul pointed to the cottage further up the valley, giving Ritchie directions. They said good bye and set off.

"What's made you so sleepy?" Ritchie asked, smiling at her.

Carole yawned again! "I don't know! Maybe I'm not as recovered as I thought I was! Why?"

He stopped the car then leaned over and kissed her. "I was wondering if you fancied some you and me time?"

Carole smiled softly at him and slipped her arms around his neck. She knew he was missing the closeness that their (usually) daily lovemaking gave them. 

"That sounds a wonderful idea!"

Scotland proved to be a wonderful three week break! Much longer than intended but a total pure pleasure. One their return there was a letter addressed to Carole waiting on the doormat. She looked the postmark. 

"It's from the hospital." 

Ritchie came over to her. "Then open it. It's probably your appointment for your follow up."

Nodding, Carole opened the envelope and scanned the contents.

"Dear Mrs Starkey. An appoint has been made for you to attend the fertility clinic on the 27th October 1977 at 9.30am." She read aloud then looked  up at Ritchie. "It gives me details of what I need to do before hand and an estimated time of the appointment."

He nodded then pulled out his diary from his pocket. "What was that date again?" She told him. "Damn! I'm supposed to be working with Paul again. I'll go and give him a ring and..."


He turned.

"Yes baby?"

"You stick to your plans. I don't mind. I'll be OK."

"You can't go on your own!"

"I supposed!" She paused, "I could ask Maureen? Do you really want to sit around in a hospital for hours?"

"But this is for me and you Carole love. Our chance for a baby."

She smiled. "I know but..."

He put his arms around her. "But what? Come on...tell me!"

"I'd rather go on my own Ritchie love. it's just....I don't want you being hassled by people plus..." 

"Plus what?"

"Plus I don't want it in the press that I've got to go to a fertility case it doesn't work. It's easier for me to be anonymous without you! Does that make sense?"

"OK." Ritchie nodded reluctantly, "I suppose it makes sense but see if Maureen will come with you then. Don't go on your own. I'll worry."

"I will." She smiled. "I love you Richard Starkey."

"And I love you!"

They kissed.

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