Part 28- Carole

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Carole was lying in bed , warm and relaxed and reading a book, as she waited for Ben. Knowing he wouldn't be home til past midnight, she was surprised when she heard a key in the door just after nine. Nervous, she got out of bed and padded through to check who it was. 

"It's you!" she exclaimed in relief, seeing Ben in the kitchen, "You managed to get off early! Would you like a hot drink? You look frozen!"


Carole looked at him, he seemed strange, off hand. "What's wrong love?"

"Ritchie turned up at the bar tonight."

"NO! Oh Ben, was he drunk?"

"Actually he was sober and very coherant. We had a long interesting talk."

"Did you?"

"Yes...about you actually."

"Me?" For some reason Carole felt nervous. She handed Ben his cup of coffee.

"Carole,  why didn't you tell me that you and Ritchie had been together at one time?"

"No reason really. Why?"

"How long were you with him?"

Carole sat down and sighed deeply.. "I met Ritchie in 1964 Ben - nearly ten years ago. We were together for almost two years. He ended it. He dumped me in a very unpleasant way for the woman he went on to marry!"

Ben nodded, still looking at her. "You never told me though. Why?"

Carole felt tears prick her eyes.  "I haven't hid things from you on purpose Ben! I promise." She stopped, composing herself before carrying on. "Ritchie wanted us to get married but I knew he wanted a family. I told him what I had been told after my miscarriage and, at MY suggestion, we separated to give him time to consider a marriage without children. We were apart for a couple of months. Then one day he came to see me. He told me he'd thought about everything and he was sure he wanted to be with me.  That he loved me - all kinds of things! Then we made love except..." she paused and looked at Ben who was listening intently, "He wasn't serious He hadn't meant a word f what he said. What he was doing was paying me back for what he saw was hurting him because I'd not told him before then that I couldn't have children. He used me for very unpleasant sex and called me a lot of vile names then walked away.

 It broke me Ben. So much so that I did not have the courage to even think about  being with anyone else. When I met you it was almost five years after Ritchie. Ben, you were the first person I felt even remotely ready to consider a relationship with! You remember how nervous I was when we first got together? I was so scared of the same thing happening again...that's why I told you I couldn't have children very early on. You were kind, loving and so gentle and patient that I knew you were special. I love you Ben. Only you. I care nothing for Ritchie now! I haven't done for a very long time! I know I could NEVER forgive him for what he did to me."

"He said you let him touch you and hold you after I'd left for work today."

"WHAT! No!...Ben, he came into the kitchen! I didn't even know he was awake. He'd heard us making love and was making lewd comments about you and me." 

"Did you let him touch you?"

"NO! He made a pass at me! He touched my breast and I pushed him away. I threatened to call the police  if he did anything else then I threw him out! I told him to go away and that I didn't want to see him ever again!!" A tear rolled down her face and she wiped it away quickly, "Please Ben, I love you. I only want to be with you!"

She waited. Slowly Ben stood up and walked over to her. He held out his hand. Nervously she took it and he pulled her to her feet. He smiled softly then kissed her.

"It's funny." he told her quietly.

"What is?"

"Ritchie told me exactly the same as you've told me. He came to tell me what happened between the two of you and to apologise. He wanted me to tell you he was sorry for today."

"Seriously?" Carole was astounded.

Ben smiled. "Then he told me I was a very lucky man to have you." He kissed her, "And I told him I knew that already. That I loved you so much." He kissed her again, this time more passionately, "And then I decided to come home to you and make sure you were Ok after the way Ritchie treated you."

"I'm...I'm fine!"

"He didn't hurt you?"

"No." she looked up at him, "Can we forget him now Ben? Just focus on you and me?"

"I wouldn't ask for anything more Carole my love. Come on baby, let's go to bed."

Carole lay in the dark, Ben sleeping next to her. Despite feeling warm and relaxed after making love, she couldn't sleep. Something about Ben's conversation with Ritchie made her feel uneasy. She couldn't quite pinpoint why, it just did. She sighed.

"Hey, you still awake baby?" Ben whispered, reaching out to her.

"Having trouble settling." 

"Come here then," He pulled her closer to him, "You're safe and loved. Sleep now."

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