part 6

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-Harry's pov- 

Katy gave me a quick, well too quick hug and i got so confused with her sudden actions.. 

was it something i said? 

i forgot to ask her if she is single. i kinda glad i didn't cause she might think i'm hitting on her. she will think i'm a creep that asks every possible girl out.. that is last impression i want her to get from me.

i mean we just met... but i know she is not going to get out of my head anytime soon.

pictures of her laughing past through my mind, the way her eyes sparkled in the day light. how she looks like a pure angel with no makeup on..  

a large beep snaped me out of my thoughts . it was a car, i was in the way.. i must have been way deep in thoughts realizing i'm in a street that was in the opposite direction from my house, i wasn't even aware of where i'm going..

my phone vibrates in my pocket, i take it out of my pocket. Ron's picture and flashes on my screen.

"hello." i answer.

"hey bro!!"he says

"hey mate. " i say

"listen, Zayn is coming over tonight and he is bringing Niall, and i thought maybe you wanted to come?"Ron asks

hmm, seeing Katy again would be fun, i thought to myself..

"sure mate.." i finally answer

"i can ask Katy to come and sit with us so we'll have more pepole." he suggest like he can read my mind.

"yes, you should!!" i yell, my exitment about having Katy around is clearly heard in my voice.

"woah, relax man.." he chuckles into the phone .

"i'll come by at eight see you then.."

i say and hang up the phone . 

i turned on my heels as soon as the call ended, and rush back to my apartment to shower. 

after freshening up i wrap the towel around my waist and head to my closet. 

i decided to go for a navy blue jeans ,a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. 

i took my best perfume and sprayed all over myself, i put on my shoes and grab my car keys from the table and head fowards the door.


-Katy's pov-

"Katy!" i hear Ron calls me and i jump, almost out of the window. he really needs to stop surprising me all the time.

"there you are." he says.

"i was .. out?" I said but it came out more as a question.

"out?" he's confuzed.

"yeah i.." i wasn't sure if i should tell him that i met Harry or not.

"waze (the app)." i explain shortly

"ohh, ok well Harry, Zayn and my friend Niall are coming tonight and i wanted to know if you want to hang out with us?" he asks.

"umm hang out? what are you planing to do?" i asked casualy, leaning my hands on the counter top.

"nothing special, just sitting and talking and... i don't know, do stuff."

"sitting and talking? that sounds fun." i roll my eyes at him.

"not boring stuff, we laugh at things... come on don't be a buzz killer."

"i'm not a buzz killer!!" i defend 

i don't feel comfortable being around 3 boys i just met, one i haven't met yet which makes it more uneasy for me.

"then come!! it'll be fun."he pushes.

"ok but i'm gonna get you for this." 

he smiles and i gave in and went towards my room. 

i set on the small bed and stared at the clock, it was still way to early to start getting ready for Ron's friends arrivel so i decided to call Christian and see how he's been. i dial his number and press the green botton to call. 

after four beeps he finally picks up,he sure takes a long time to answer.

"hey katy."his deep accent greets from the other line, i think i can hear disappoitment in his voice. what's up with him lately?!

"hi, i miss you..." i sound so pathetic, trying to earn some sympathy from him. 

"yeah.." is all he says, WHAT?!

"how you've been? are you doing fine?" i really am interested to know.

"i'm good, listen Katy i gotta go i'm at work"

"ohh ok i lo..." i stop, he hung up!! i was about to tell him i love him but that didn't go as planned.

i feel so angry at him and even hurt. 

he could say he missed me too, he could atleast say goodbye no matter how much of a hurry he is in . it's less than a second. 

i ran downstairs and turned the TV on and watched it until it was the timebi could start and get ready.


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