part 28

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-Harry's pov-

She still looks at the ground and i felt more and more guilty from every passing second. i scoot closer to her and put my hand on hers grabbing it from the grass.

she turned to me with confusion, and i, with sympathy.

"i am so sorry if i gave you any reason to be upset." i squeezed her hand harder, she didn't flinched for a second.

if this is because of that asshole Christian i swear i would kill him the minute i'll meet him. if he ever comes to visit his lovely girlfriend he's ignoring from...

she looked at me for a brief second, and before i knew it, our lips connected.  

i waited for so long to feel those lips on mine and it felt amazing, like velvet.

from that second, i felt like nothing is real in this world, like nothing better is existed. i was in a euphoric sense, i couldn't move, terrified that if i do she would pull away. our lips moved in unison and she wrapped her hand around my neck.

now i know what i'm feeling for her, this isn't just caring for her, it's... love.

but reality strike me when i put my hand on her waist. she's kissing me because she is confused and vulnerable, i can't take advantage of her state.

just when i was about to pull away, she did. she looked in my eyes. i couldn't read her expression.

"i am so so sorry." she pulled away. 

i couldn't find my words, or my breath. she got on her feet and started to walk as fast as she could just to get away from here. or you...

-Katy's pov-

i ran so fast i almost tripped on my own feet. what the hell was i thinking? i can't believe this happen. Christian would be crushed and my dad will be disappointed... i just cheated on my boyfriend!

i can't face anyone right now, especially not myself. i ran through the crowd when a large guy with a suit and a megaphone yelled something about the kites show being canceled but i was too emotional to care. i looked at the ground when i hear Harry's voice calls behind me.


i wanted to turn to him, to talk to him about everything that is going on in my life, to cry on his shoulder about Christian about the mom that i never had, the stress that comes with me trying to be the perfect role model everybody thinks i am. but i couldn't, i never cry, not even to myself, and of course not to my dad. and Harry will never be just a friend of mine anymore, i ruined our what looks like friendship.

i felt light drops of rain on my face and arms, and i wanted to go home but i remembered that i don't have my own car. i don't want to ask Niall and Zayn to take me home, i don't even know where they are, or where i am. i'm not in the mood to go look.

i look behind me, luckily no one was there. i stop to catch my breath and after a few minutes i started walking towards my grandmother's house.

the rain got a lot more heavy, so i tried to walk under roofs and trees, everything that came in my way and could cover me.

the street was empty, not even a cat is wondering the streets. i was cold and afraid. i didn't recognize the street i was in so i was also, lost. i set under one of the houses balcony and grabbed my phone.

"great, no reception." i whispered to myself.

i'm beyond frustrated right now, i can't believe i kissed him, i kissed Harry! i don't know what's got into me, even though it was the most amazing kiss i ever had or gotten. stop thinking like that, you'r a horrible person!!. sometimes i can agree with my mind.

i need to get up and start walking back home or i'll freeze to death. i can't go home, i don't know where i am! i put my head between my legs to keep me worm, yeah right..

"Katy!!" i hear a raspy voice calls me from afar.

no, it couldn't be..

afraid to look up, i pretended to not hear anything as the voice came closer and closer until i felt worm hands wrapped around me, turning me with my head still between my legs and my eyes closed. the grip tightens around me and it was somewhat comforting.

"i looked everywhere for you."


his voice filled with worry and he was soaking wet. was he looking for me in this pouring rain? the thought makes my heart flutter, he is so sweet, but i still can't look at him.

"why did you ran away?" he pulls away from me, bending his head so he could look at me. with no luck.

i didn't respond, he put his hand on my shoulder and the other under my chin, lifting my head to face him. my eyes flutter open.

"i'm sorry." he says and his eyes burning in mine.

"for what?" i mumble.

"for making you cheat..." he stops himself but i already know what he's about to say. but it's nice of him to not giving me anymore guilt.

"for making you.. kiss me." he sighs.

-Harry's pov-

"you don't need to be sorry." she assures me.

damn right i don't! she deserves so much better and i know i can give her more than that asshole Christian. i want her to be happy not miserable, i know she did it cause she was hurt but deep down, she wanted to kiss me. i want to tell her so many things, i thought about all the things i want to say to her to make her believe that i can be there for her, to hold her, i want her to share things with me and most of all, i want HER.

i look at her, thinking if i should open this conversation now.

"Katy, i..." i start.

her eyes is on mine, scanning my face and emotions.

"we can forget this ever happen." i sigh.

why did i say that? it just fell out of my mouth. but i guess it's better for Katy, from her point of view at least... she looks down then up again and nods.

"c'mon." i stand up and takes her hand. i put my jacket on her shoulders, and walk her to her house. this wasn't as awkward as i thought. if Katy was crying, i don't know if i could take it.

the rain had touched every part of our bodies, making every inch wet. we walk to the door and Katy unlocks it... 

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