part 37

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-Katy's pov-

i felt a little tired since i've watched numerous number of shows, to pass the time for Christian's arrival. i'm anxious to see how it went, or if Harry was there, Christian has a problem controlling his temper when it comes to these things. i started to feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the minute, and when i was almost asleep, i heard my grandmother yells.

"Oh my goodness!! what happened?" my eyes shut up in concern. i got to my feet and ran to the door. when i reach it, my eyes widened and my hand rose up to hide my mouth with my horrified sight. Ron's arm is wrapped around a limping, bruised and bloody Christian. what the hell happened??

i ran to him, stopping right in front of him and lift his head up to examine his face, he winced at my touch and i quickly moved my hand away.

"what happened?" i spoke quietly. even though i have a theory to what could happened.

"Harry.." Ron begins, proving my thought right. "they just started fighting, i guess it's because of something he said." he finishes and my grandmother leaves the room quickly.

i turn my head to Ron and grabbed Christian's arm to lead him upstairs with me, once we were on the second floor, i opened the bathroom door and instruct him to sit on the toilet seat. i grabbed a towel and put it under the cold water. i put it on his bruises and whipped away the little blood that was escaping his nose and cheek. my grandmother enters the bathroom with ice  and bandages. she puts them on the sink and leaves after giving me one last concerned look.

"now tell me what happened." i demand quietly. my hand grabbed the ice pack and laid it on Christian's nose then forehead, he winced but squeezed his eyes in pain.

"that shitty Harry did that to me, i didn't even do anything he needs to see a doctor." he said and my mind goes to the second half of his sentence. what happened with Harry? is he hurt this bad too? 

"why?" i asked.

"i don't know." his voice holds annoyance. "i don't want you anywhere near him." he spoke, now angry. how can he tell me to stay away from Harry? he's not the boss of me. but if i would try to protest he will think i have any sort of feelings for him and he will get even angrier. you can't say you don't have feelings for him. my mind pushes but i ignore him. i'm more than upset at Christian for giving me the slightest bit of information, and at Harry for dragging both of them into a fight again. Christian isn't in such a bad shape because he is stronger based on their previous fight on the day i kissed Harry. memories of Harry's lips flood my mind, the way his ringlets tickled at me skin and his hand felt on my waist... Katy stop!! i hate myself for keep hanging on these things!

i stayed quiet as i wrapped Christian's head and arm in bandages. 

"are you OK?" i asked him as he set on my bed.


"do you need anything?" 

"no." he said harshly and turned his body so his back faced me.

"hello to you too." i said to myself and exited the room, leaving him to his sleep. i walked in the living room, Ron was set on the couch with Dani and my grandmother.

"where's Christian?" Ron asks. "is he OK?" 

"yeah, he needs to sleep." i sigh. "is Harry in a bad shape too?"  i set on the chair across from them.

"he is..." he sighs, my heart sinks in concern, Christian might have almost killed him if he wanted and i know it's true.

"where is he?" i ask, afraid of the answer.

"Niall and Louis took him to the hospital." 

"hospital?!" i yell. i knew it! Harry is in the hospital when Christian is here clearly missed place. i can't imagine Harry's condition right now and i'm so curious to find out. if it needs a hospital, it has be way more serious that a few bruises.

"can you drive me there?" i turn to Dani. he nods but doesn't say a word.

"but..." Ron starts but i mute him by putting my hand in his face and walking towards the door.

"which hospital?" i ask Ron as i put my coat and boots.

 "the community one." he shouts as i close the door and stepped out to Dani's car.

the car ride  was extremely quiet only as opened the passenger door when Dani stopped in front of the hospital, he told me to be careful and i entered the large building. a few nurses were standing by the counter as i walked up to them. 

"excuse me..." i start when a large hand was placed on my shoulder. i jumped and turned around to face a blond, blue eyed boy staring at me with a sympathy look. i didn't think i just wrapped my hand around Niall's torso, he embraced me as well. the hug comforting but only stressed me more.

"where is he?" i asked when we pulled away.

"come." he flicked his head leading me to a long hall and to a door with the number '102' on it. he opened it slowly and my eyes moved around the room only to spot the bed Harry was laid in. his curls were messy on the hospital pillow, his head wrapped in a white bandages, dark circle around his left eye and his chest was bare. i walked closer to him, realizing he was asleep, his lips slightly parted , i set on the chair next to his bed and looked at him for what seemed like hours.

it was then when i realized his torso as also wrapped in a bandage. i can't believe that MY Christian could do this much damage, now i believed my concern that he could kill him. he really could.

"who stopped him?" i asked Niall, my eyes still focused on Harry's bruised body.

"Harry jumped on him all of a sudden and Louis and I were caught off guard and we couldn't do anything even though we tried, security cam in between them and that was it." Niall explain.

"do you know why he did it?" my gaze is now on Niall. he looked at the ground before strolling over to me with a frown on his face. he set on the floor next o me, my eyebrows were creased to a confused look.

"Christian was talking about... well you..." he paused.

"what about me?"

"um... he said that you ... he was disrespectful to you." he finally found the words.

"disrespectful?" i asked, Niall's eyes squeezed shut, clearly having a hard time remembering the words.

"he said he wants to fuck you and he will." he rushed. i felt my cheeks burning with heat and my heart was racing faster and faster. what was he thinking? it's my body not his and i would do what I want with it, and if i don't want to have sex with him then i won't, and we had this conversation a long time ago and he agreed to never push me into it.

"oh." i whispered. 

"that's why Harry jumped on him, he hated the way Christian was talking about you... i did too but i wasn't capable of doing what he did." Niall finishes.

Harry did that for me? or because of me? why would he do that? at least he cares and in some bizarre way, i'm happy he proved his point to Christian. now i just hope Christian will get the cause. i looked over at Harry again and after a few minutes, Niall sighed and exited the room, leaving me with a hurt Harry.

And i was the cause...

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