part 58

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"Thank you," I said to Dr. Carson after he gave me my prescription. Today is my last day at this amazingly boring hospital and I'm more than happy to leave. Even though I'll probably miss Amy and Oliver, after all Amy treated me this whole twelve days and Oliver is just adorable.

I've spent every single day visiting him in his room and occasionally we would sneak out to the garden at night. Luckily, we didn't get caught. The rest of the week Harry and the group came by, giving nasty looks from the body guard from the date night Harry put together. I could think of a million different places to go to on a first date but what Harry had planned was much more thoughtful and loving.

Everything was perfect, the robe, the candles, the food and the wine. Hell, even my nosy group of friends was perfect. I'm not sure about Harry but he seemed to not care for them interrupting us, I think he was a bit disappointed for things not going the way he planned but then he just enjoyed the time we had together.

I was annoyed that Niall ate most of the pie and then Louis and Ron finish it off, I wanted to have some but I guess things happen for a reason. I really don't need any more sweets.

Dr. Carson smiled at me and waved me goodbye. I turned around to face the large glass doors when Harry walked in. black, torn skinny jeans, a light brown sweater with dark brown cups on the elbow, brown boots and a silly scarf wrapped around his messy pile of curls. He smiled at me and held his arms out for me.

I practically ran to him when he bent down as I came closer, smiling widely. I wrapped my smaller arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist; burying his face in the crook of my neck. He lifts me off the ground by my waist, spinning me around. I laugh and receive a warm laugh from him; his laugh vibrates through my torso and down to my stomach. I inhaled his scent, smiling as I take in his amazing and intoxicating smell.

Harry put me down, squeezing on my waist one more time before lifting his head to stare into my eyes, hands still on my waist as mine were still around his neck. He smiled at me, kissing my nose sweetly. I inched my face closer to his but his height was an advantage on me. He understood my intentions, crushing our lips together, moving our mouth in perfect motions.  His brown curls tickling my cheeks. I tangled the curls at the end of his skull with my fingers, smiling into the kiss when I smell the roses shampoo.

We broke away, a look of confusion struck Harry's face. My expression was of amusement.

"What?" he asked.

"You use girls' shampoo." I giggle, watching as his face twists in fake hurt.

"Am not!" he protests.

"Am too," I laugh. His cheeks burn a bright red and he chuckles.

"Maybe I am." He admits. "The smell is amazing don't judge me!" he smiles. He looks adorable.

"I love the scarf." I smile.

"Really?" he questions. I nod, making him laugh. "I thought you would." He pecks my lips softly. "Let's get out of here." he grabs my hand, leading me out the glass doors. Harry's hand is warm and strong, giving me a feeling of safety. Like Christian was never exist, like Harry would protect me from anything. We reached Harry's car, he jogs to open the door for me.

"Thank you," I blush, climbing in the passenger seat. He smiles at me before closing the door and jog to the other side, climbing in and sitting with his back to the window, shoulder against the seat and face towards me. I shift in my seat, turning to him fully.

"How are you feeling, baby?" he asks softly.

"Better than ever," I admit, smiling uncontrollably.

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