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A knock on the door startled me, waking me up.  Instead of groaning in annoyance and sitting upright angrily, I smiled. I set in my new king size bed, looking to my right at a sleeping Harry. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful with his eyes closed and cheek pushed against the white pillow, his lips parted and his breathing pats my arm in warm waves of wind. After hours of whining and a cuddling promise, Harry agreed to spend the night. Not that he didn't want to spend the night; he claimed he argued about it just to annoy me.

I was scared to stay in my first night here alone, I'm not experienced in apartments, I don't know what I should take notice of and what I should ignore. Like noises, pangs and so on… If Harry wasn't there with me I would have peed in my pants when the wind would blow the curtains into my room, or when the furniture would suddenly feel like "stretching" themselves and make these scary noises. 

The knocks became pangs and that was where I groaned and got out of bed. I checked myself in the mirror before I'll open the door to whoever it is. I adjust my green sweatpants and tugged at the end of Harry's white t-shirt. He let me wear it yesterday, saying he would sleep shirtless, which I had no resistance to. I fixed my hair up a bit, really fast if I may say, and went to the door.

I opened the door slowly rubbing my eyes as I did.

"Good morning!" Niall's voice greeted, a medium sized box in his hands, white sloppy jeans hanging loosely to his waist and a blue t-shirt with a white sweatshirt zipped half way up. 

"Hey!" I cheered, hugging him. "How are you?"

"I'm the one who should ask you that." He jokes.

"Come in!" I said eagerly. He chuckles and enters the apartment, my apartment. I was about to close the door when I'm stopped. I look in confusion to the doorway; Zayn enters the room, Louis and Eleanor following behind him and last but not least…Bella.

"Ay ma friend!" Louis smiled. I laughed, and watched as all their gazes were fixed on my new place. The sunlight coming from the balcony window shines through the apartment, giving it a heavenly look.

"You like?" I copied Harry's words from yesterday.

"It's beautiful!!" Eleanor beamed, running to hug me while Niall, Louis and Zayn collapsed on my couch, complementing the place. Bella comes up to me and hugs me like Eleanor did.

"Hey, do you know where Harry is? I've been trying to call him all day." Niall asks me.

"Oh he's-" I started to say when I was interrupted by Harry's voice coming from behind me.

"Are you talking to yourself?" he asked, I turned around to face a shirtless Harry rubbing his tired looking eyes, yawning afterwards. He stopped the rubbing and opened his eyes; eyes went wide with surprise as he took in the faces and gazes pointed towards him. "I thought you were talking to yourself, I guess not, it's worse than a crazy girlfriend. It's a crazy gang." He joked, smiling widely at our beloved friends.

"Ha ha!" Louis chirped in. "a great way to keep the crazy gang." He sarcastically remarked, folding his arms over his chest and turning away from us. I laughed along with the rest of the group as Harry went and attacked Louis with a bear hug; they looked like a father and son. How cute.

"Get away from me you hideous rapist!" Louis squealed, shaking Harry off.

"Fine, don't hug me! I'll just go with option two!" Harry said sassily, and then ran to me and wrapping me in his arms. His arms covered me entirely; they are so big and long. I laughed in his chest and pushed him back.

"I'm not a second option," I faked an angry look and copied Louis with the arm folding and the turning around thing.

"I'm sorry, you know Louis. He needs attention," Harry explained, he whispered the last part so Louis couldn't hear. I could hear the smile in his voice.

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