part 32

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I look at both of them in disbelieve. she can't be his sister, he never told me he had a sister, let alone she lives in London.

"you'r sister?" i finally say.

"yeah she's visiting me since i told her i'm in London." he shrugs.

"i'm so sad we got to meet like that." Michel gets up and stretch her hand for me to shake.

"maybe you should go for now." Christian suggest, i feel like i'm about to blow up in her face so it's better for her to go.

she nods and exit the living room. 

"what is wrong with you?" Christian asks the minute we hear the front door slams shot.

"what is wrong with me? you'r the one who brought a girl to my grandmother's house and put you'r damn hand on her leg." i snap.

"it was nothing! you'r overreacting." he says.

"what do you expect me to think about the position you were with that girl."

"she's my sister Katy, and i just put my hand on her leg stop being so Conservative." he sits back down on the couch.

"i'm not Conservative." my voice much calmer than it was moments ago.

he rolls his eyes, clearly irritated. maybe i was overreacting, i could consider the possibility that Christian has a sister but why would he hide it from me? i turn around and walk up the stairs to my room. i check my phone for any new messages, there is one.

*we're going for pizza night, wanna come?*  it's from Niall.

*sure i'd love to come, is it cool if i bring Christian?* 

i get a reply seconds later.

*he is here? in London? O.O*  i smile at his smiley face.

*yeah he surprised me. :)* 

*OK cool you can bring him i'll pick you up at seven.* he text me back, i smile and toss the pone to the bed.

i don't know why i asked if i can bring Christian along, i know for sure Harry is going to be there and i'm not sure about the consequences of this scenario. but i don't want to be there alone with Harry and his friends, what will Christian think? he will be more upset than if he will come with me. maybe he'd say no and won't come with me, i admit i annoyed him a bit but  he will overreact if he won't let it go.

"where's Christian?" i ask my grandmother when i enter the kitchen.

"he said he went for a walk dear, he looked a little mad." she admits.

"oh." was all i could say.

i open the front door to check if he's still around, but when i open the door, Harry is standing right in front of me with his hand in the air. he was about to knock on the door, he looks so adorable like that. stop!! 

Harry flushes me a dimpled smile and i giggle.

"you can smell me coming, can't you?" he jokes and i hit his arm playfully.

"is Ron home?" he asks.

"yeah i think he is, ha.. have you seen Christian?" i stutter.

his smile disappears before he answers.

"no why, he ran away?" he tries to make a joke but i can't smile.

"never mind thank you." i say and open the further, signaling for him to come in.

he steps inside and i slam the door after him, he walked up the stairs to find Ron. an hour had passed and Christian still hasn't showed up yet, i started to worry and called him a few times but it went to voice mail after two beeps every single time. he's ignoring me, again! at least i know he's not lost and he is alive but that still doesn't make me feel less worried. i glance at the clock and it's 2:27 pm if he won't show up at 3:00 pm i won't care anymore. he is irresponsible, who runs away to a city he never been to before and doesn't come back after an hour and half and leaves his worried girlfriend to eat her nails, hoping he'll enter the door any second? i know it's alot these days but why with my boyfriend?

Harry and Ron comes into the living room and sit down next to me, Harry sits on my left and Ron on the right.

"what's wrong?" Ron asks.

"nothing." i lie.

"is it about Christian?" Harry whispers so Ron won't hear him.

-Harry's pov-

she looks up at me and her eyes tell more than her mouth, i immediately take her by her arm and lead her upstairs.

"where are you going?" Ron asks and i just continue to walk.

as we enter her room i release my hold on her arm, i shot the door behind me and look over to her. she looks sad and scared, why is she scared? if he had hurt her i can't do anything to that piece of shit Christian, and the thought is killing me, Katy will never forgive me if i do something like that to him, it's so hard to believe that she actually like this creep, it hurts more than the fact that Katy won't speaking to me.

"what did he do?" i ask when she sits down on the bad.

"he didn't do anything." she lies.

"Katy, please tell me." i stand on my knees in front of her and she looks away.

"he walked out of the house two hours ago and still hasen't come back yet, he doesn't know London he could be lost and cold and.." she stops.

"Katy?" i say when she muted herself.

"he doesn't deserve you." i mumble and immediately regrets it when she shuts her head up, she  heard me.

"what?" she asks with shock.

"nothing just, don't worry about him, he can take care of himself." i assure her. she nods and gets up from the bed towards the door without a single word.





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