part 47

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-Katy's pov-

"they are over reacting." i state.

"they care about you Katy, i would've done that too. he has hurt you bad."Harry waves his hand towards the bruise on my cheek.

"yeah but things like that happen." i shrug. he strolls over to me and sits on the couch, next to me.

"they should'nt happen." he sighs.

"but they did." i argue. "you can't turn it back around, it was a mistake that you learn from. why is everybody taking what happen so seriously?" i plop the rest of my body down on the couch, groaning in frustration.

"why aren't you?" Harry's eyes looking trying to find mine.

"i don't know." i answer truthfully. "it's just that, not everything needs to have an explanation." i really don't know why i'm not making a big deal out of it, should i? for me it was just a hit in the face that assured me that Christian is a horrible man and i should have broken up with him a long time ago. wait, did we even broke up officially?

"all that matters is that now i'm safe, we won't see him anymore." i smile.

"we?" Harry smirks. my cheeks becoming a deep red at my blurt out. i'm hoping he won't notice the color change.

"yeah... Ron, dad, Dani, you, me... you know." i try to explain nervously.

"of course." Harry says sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning back.

"stop it!" i yell and throw one of the cushions at him. he laughs and i bury my face in a different cushion, making him laugh harder.


the day passed by quickly, it was spend in Harry's flat mostly. we were laughing our ass off and ordering different foods or pranking people on the phone like two 12 year old's, but most of it was spend talking and getting to know each other. i learned that Harry's favorite food is sweet corn and that his favorite color is orange. he also told me he wanted to become a lawyer but that didn't came true since he dropped out. which is very weird, Harry is a really clever guy apart from his flirty and idiotic nature, he's really sweet. he told me about his family, his friends even though he told me before, i wanted to know more and he was happily oblige to my request. he made me feel so much better.

we were currently cleaning his flat. Harry swept the floor and my job was to was it. Harry was sitting on the couch, watching me as i past by him with the mop.

"i told you i can do it." he pouts. he offered me before that he would clean and i can just sit on the couch but i refused. and look who's sitting and who's cleaning. i continue to wash the floor while rolling my eyes. i started singing, a habit that i can't control. i always sing when i clean.

"if we take this bird in, with it's broken leg.

we could nurse it, she said.

come inside for, a little lie down with me."

Harry must've recognize the familiar song cause he started singing along. i smiled at his beautiful voice once again bursting in my ears. he smiled back at me, both of us still singing. with one movement, he got off the couch and strolled over to me careful not to slip. he reached for another mop that was leaning on the wall and started mopping with me.

"but when i wake up, and you'r make up, is on my shoulder."

i point at my shoulder and Harry smiles. he started dancing with the mop like the man in 'i'm singing in the rain'. i laugh at him and he nods at me, signaling for me to do the same. i shake my head and he says in between the lines. "come on." i sigh and continue to sing. suddenly, Harry takes my hand and start dancing with me. causing me to drop the mop. i laugh once again as we both dance on the dangerously wet floor. we both both jump together at the same time ans miraculously, didn't slip.

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