part 56

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-Katy's pov-

i woke up the next morning to the hospital ceiling. not the best thing to wake up to if you ask me. it's like waking up every day to the reminder of what happened to you, why you're here. it's my 4th day here and i'm already frustrated. Harry came to visit me every day, for the entire day. he brought me a single rose each day, saying that in the twelve day, i'll have a bouquet. Dani and Ron also came with flowers and balloons and my grandmother brought me her home cooked meals once in a while, i thanked god she did. the food here is like eating paper.

the nurse who treated me in the last three days, who's name is Amy, walks into my hospital room with a bright smile.

"good morning." she beams.

"good morning." i smile and a yawn escapes my lips.

"how are you feeling?"

"better than ever, can i go home now?" i whine. i am feeling much better and i hate this place! i can't wait to move in my new apartment, which is due in two days. Ron told me he'll move my things and get the paper guy to come to the hospital for my approval but it's not a relief in any way cause soon as i get out of this place i'll have to go in there and organize everything.

"no can do." she laughs. "i have no intentions to keep you here, i know it's bad, i've been in that situation." she opens a drawer and take out a medicine out of it.

"your ex-boyfriend beat you in front of your family, friends and the boy you love?" i ask bluntly. her smile fades, stays awfully quiet.

"no," she breaks the silence. "but my dad did." she admits with a blank expression.

"i'm so sorry." my face holds a sympathetic look. it was way worse than m case, i could never deal with an abusive father. i feel so stupid judging her the way i did.

"it's ok, we both pretty much have the same issue. beaten by the one we used to love." she says bitterly. her hand moves to grasp the papers on the table and she grabs a pen, starting to write things down. breaking the eye contact. the room went quiet and she just stood there writing, a sigh escaped her thin lips.

"when did that happen?" i asked quietly.

"when i was seven." she sits down next to the table. "he had a bad day at work," she starts, referring to her dad. "he came home, drank two bottles of liqueur and when i came up to him for help with my school work..." she started to tear up and i could feel the pain in her black marbles.

"it's ok... i can figure the rest by my self." i took her hand, which was a bit difficult since she was a little far, and started rubbing circles with my thumb.

"he told the doctors i fell and descended  down the steep rode." she continued.

" it's ok,'re here and he's not and you grew up into a lovely lady, a sweet nurse and an amazing person." i assured her, causing her to smile.

"ok, lets get your doctor in here, shall we." she got up quickly and i find it amusing. she isn't the type for these talks just the way i am.

"oh and here's your food." she laughs, handing me a tray with the disgusting food. she knows it's hideous.

"that's not funny! the food is horrible!" i laugh with her.

i ate the carton of a food and right after, Dr. Carson came in and started examining me. he finished and told me i'm healing just fine and left. it was now little after one in the afternoon and i got bored so i asked Amy if i could go outside. she agreed and stepped out of the room and entered a few minutes later with... a wheel chair. i don't need a wheel chair, i'm not that weak. 

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