part 10

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The next morning i woke up and the first thing i did is check my phone for any new missed calls or texts.

i have 2 missed calls and a text. i read the text first with hope it's from christian.

*hey Katy,i'm doing OK...* it's from christian!

wait...,what kind of a respond is that? i mean i'm his girlfriend for the love of god!! he could at least ask how i'm doing.i choose not to text him back. i walk to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth,once i finish i wrap the towel around me and open the bathroom door. to my surprise ron stands by the door and when he notices i'm there my cheeks are on fire from the embarrassment. he looks so uncomfortable and i rush to my room.

"good morning" i say and close the door behind me. i pick out a pair of black tights and a cream skirt,the skirt reach to the middle of my thighs. i grab a black long sleeve shirt with a flower on the shoulder. i get out of the room with a towel around my hair and go downstairs to eat something before i'll go on another day of touring around London,i really want to let my mind off of christian's behavior.

the last time i out in London i ran into harry.which is not really bad i guess,wait what am i thinking?!

after i finished my breakfast, i grabbed my coat from the hanger and went for the door,i forgot the towel is still on my head so i take it off and throw it on the stairs.

once i'm out of the door,the sun is bright and there's a light breeze. i start walking towards the same park i met harry that same day. on my way i look at people hanging their laundry,or drinking their coffee and reading their newspaper. 

i can see the park and kids play in it already. i step on the slightly wet grass and start looking for a familiar face,there aren't so many...

when i look at the same place i saw harry the other day, i see a familiar blond hair for my relief .before i know it the blond haired boy turns around,his eyes go wide at the sight of me.

"hey Katy!!" he waves his hands with a smile.

"hey niall!!" i yell and laugh at the weird way of a 'hello'.

he start walking towards my direction and i do the same.

"hey,what are you doing here?" he asks and hugs me.

"i don't know i guess i wanted to get some fresh air and it's nice here..."i shrug . "what are YOU doing here?" i ask him with a smile.

"i live here" what?!

"here? in the park? like homeless?" i dare to ask and he laughs.

"what? no of course not, i live HERE." he points at a white house right in front of the park.

"i'm waiting for harry and zayn" 

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