Chapter Thirty Nine // Fireworks And Cheering

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- James' POV -

I walked as fast as I could down the street and far away from the cafe where I left Louise crying on the floor. I was finally single after four years of being in a relationship, it felt odd but honestly could I feel ANYTHING at this moment in time?

I continued walking and didn't stop when I came to the busy road, I carried on walking across with my eyes staring straight forward trying not to breakdown. People honked their car horns and me and shouted out of their windows.

"You're going to get yourself killed!" A woman shouted, I made it to the other side of the road and didn't take one glance at the people who were angry at me.

It was like my body was detached from my mind, inside my head I was crying and giving up on myself but my body was just carrying on making it's way home.

I know what you're thinking, "Aren't you in love with Sophia? Why are you so upset over this?". I may be in love with Sophia but I've been with Louise for a long time and I believed our relationship would make it, I thought we would be together forever. I never wanted to give up on her even if I did have a stronger connection with Sophia. I love Louise, I always have. I can't believe she cheated on me a number of times, for years I was warned that she was a cheater and a horrible person but I never believed anyone because I was blinded by love. There was a point when I thought "What if she is what they say?" but I wanted to change those rumours, I wanted to show everyone that me and her would be different from every other relationship she had been in.

I arrived home and opened the front door before Bosley was instantly at my feet jumping around waiting for me to pet him, but for the first time I completely ignored him and went to my bedroom. I closed the door so he wasn't able to get in, I wanted to be alone.

It was 1:00pm on a Friday which meant everyone was at school or work, I would be home alone for another few hours which is definitely what I needed.

I sat down in the middle of my bedroom floor and took a deep breath in before having the biggest breakdown ever, I couldn't contain the sadness and pain that was busting to get out. I screamed and cried until my head was spinning and I was extremely short of breath, I curled up in a ball and closed my eyes for a few minutes before getting an idea.

I got up and made my way over to the bunk-bed before getting on my knees and reaching under the bed for a huge cardboard box which had a few bottles of vodka inside. I kept them there for any time I needed to de-stress and relax, this is definitely one of those times. I grabbed three bottles and opened one before beginning to down it, my throat burned but I continued to drink until I couldn't any more.

Bosley scratched at the door and whined as I finished the first bottle of vodka, I tossed it to the side and opened the second.

- Sophia's POV -

"Tell me everything, What did Elise say when you told her?" I asked Rae over the phone, I had been dying to know how Rae confessing her love for Elise went. I lay upside down on my bed while staring at the floor.

"Uh.. She doesn't feel the same" Rae muttered, I sat up quickly and covered my mouth with one hand.

"Are you sure? Maybe she was just nervous?.." I said making up excuses, Rae sighed.

"Elise told me that she is straight, she loves me a lot but only as a friend. I guess it's for the best.."

Rae sounded heartbroken as she told me what happened, I knew she had strong feelings for Elise. I still didn't believe Elise though, no one can reject Rae. She is the most caring person on the planet, you can tell she is from the second you meet her.

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