Kisses and Confessions Norway (Hetalia) x Reader

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Norway was requested by my bestie Shadowlurker1234. I hope this goes good. She did not say what kind of one-shot she wanted. So I made it a First kiss one. But with a twist. Hehehehehehe, you will see.

F/P/F- Favorite Pocky Flavour.

Lets get it popen

"Hay Lukas, can we go to the candy store?" You ask as your Norwegian friend looks up.

"Sure. But what for?" Lukas asks.

"I just want to get some candy. I ran out so I must have more." You say dramatically.

"All right. Lets go so you can get your candy." Lukas says looking at you and smiling. Sometimes she/he can be to much. Lukas thinks as you run out the door to the car, where you wait for Lukas to open the door.

Lukas makes his way to the car and unlocks it. Having you zip in and get ready before he even got into the car.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Lukas asks.

"Like I said. I want candy. Candy is the reason." You say. Lukas just rolls his eyes and starts the car up.

~le time skip brought to you by the silent car ride~

"Here we are. Just remember, you cant spend more then you have." Lukas says as you hop out of the car and speed to the front door. Lukas just facepalms and follows you to the candy store.

"Hello and welcome to Funtom. The best candy and toy shop around, how can I help you on this fine day?" A ginger girl says from behind the counter.

"Hello. Do you have Pocky by any chance?" You ask as Lukas takes a stand next to you.

"Hold on," She says walking into the back. I hear some yelling, then the ginger girl walks back to the counter with a few red boxes. "Here you are. What flavor would you like?" She asks.

"(F/P/F) please." You say. The ginger looks thew the stack and finds three packs.

"Would you like all three?" She asks.

"Depends. How much are they each?" You ask.

"They are $2.50 each, tax is included in that price." The ginger says.

"Sure I will take all three." You say taking your wallet out.

"Awesome. That will be $7.50." The ginger says. I hand her a ten dollar bill. And she does the thing with the cash register, and she hands me my change.

"Thank you for shopping at Funtom." She says as We walk out of the candy shop. Lukas and I wave goodbye, and walk to the car.

~Time skip bc the car ride was very silent~

Once you and Lukas get home. You unbuckle your seatbelt, and run to the door.

"Will you calm down (Y/n)?" Lukas asks unlocking the door, and holding it so you can walk in. You walk in and set down on the couch and open the pack of deliciousness.

Lukas walks in the door, shuts it, and takes a seat next to you.

"Would you like some Lukas?" You ask.

Lukas shakes his head. "No, but I do have a game for us to play." Lukas says shifting so he is looking right at you.

"And what game would that be Lukas?" You ask shifting as he did.

"Please hand me a stick/rod/etc (A/n If you call Pocky something like rod, stick, etc. I gave the option to call it what you please) of pocky." Lukas says. You hand him a pice, and he put it between his lips. "Nerw put the oder end in your mouth." Lukas says.

"Okay, but before we do this, lets make a bet." You say.

Lukas takes the pocky piece out of his mouth.

"And what would that bet be?" Lukas asks.

"Loser has to confess to something. It can be company random. Winner, gets a box of pocky." I say.

"Alright." Lukas says putting the pocky back on his mouth.

You put the other end of pocky in your mouth.

The Both of you start to nibble away at the pocky. Both of your faces get redder every time the both of you move closer.

Your noses touching.

Your lips close to his.

But, Lukas could not do this anymore. Lukas brakes away from the pocky.

You smile at your victory and take the pocky out of your mouth. "I won. Now confess to something." You say like a young child.

Lukas looks at you for a moment. And you could see in his eyes, he was nervous. "I-i- l-like.." Was all Lukas could say without stumbling over his words.

"You like.....Cats, Dogs, 'poking' your brother....what do you like?" You ask.

"I-i like y-you (y-y/n)." Lukas says looking at the ground.

Your heart suddenly skips a beat.  You liked him as well. But you never head the courage in you to tell him.

You take Lukas's chin, and lift it up so he can face you.

"I like you as well." You say before giving him a kiss. It was a light kiss, and it was to show him that you really did like him. And the point did get across.

After you part from the kiss, Lukas glomps (A/n Glopm- one person lovingly (and dramatically) Attacking another in a hug) you, and not letting go of you.

"(Y/n), would you like to be my girlfriend?" Lukas asks.

You smile. "Of course I will be your girlfriend. But under two conditions." You say.

"And they are what?" Lukas asks.

"Well, you have to show some emotion. And you have to help me with magic." You say.

I must have forgotten to tell you. You are a witch/wizard.

"Alright, I can try." Lukas says smiling.

"There's a great start. You must smile more often. It looks good on you." You say kissing Lukas's nose. He blushes at your action.

And for the rest of the day. You both cuddled, watched Netflix, ate pocky, and relaxed. Not having a care that is happening outside and around you. The both of you together, enjoying the company of each other. It was truly the best day ever.

And done. It took me a week. But it is done. How was it Noelle?
I hope it was to your liking.

So long and Goodnight my SassMasters!

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