Wet wings and cuddles (Lawlight Death Note)

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Law and I live together in the afterlife.

I a shinigami, him, somewhere in between an angel and a shinigami. My wings red, while his, a dark grey.

"Law!" I yell from upstairs.
"Yes Light?" Law yells.
"Can you help me? I can't reach the back of my wings." I ask.
"What did you need help with?" Law asks entering our room.
"My wings are wet. I can't reach the back if my wings. Can you help me dry them?" I ask.
"Sure." law says walking over to me.

I stretch my wings out, and he starts to dry them.
"Could you help me clean a little after this?" Law asks.
"Can we clean some other time. We never have any time to ourselves." I say.
"Oh really, we went out yesterday." Law says.
"No, I mean staying in, and just relaxing. Without anyone around us." I say.
"Well, what do you want to do?" Law asks finishing.

He wraps his arms around my waist, and he sets his head between my wings.

"I don't know. But this is nice." I say leaning a little back.
"Yeah. It is nice." He says slowly rocking the both of us back and forth.

And that is what we did all night, we just sat there and cuddled all night. It was so peaceful, Ryuk, thankfully, stayed out of the house. Or else he would of made really bad jokes about my last name.

That sucked more then anything in the world

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