I want to Impress Him (Yuuri katsuki- Male! reader) Yuuri!!! On Ice

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I know Yuuri is with Vicktor but it was requested from my Quotev and I could not let it slip through my fingers XD so here

I glide around the ice, doing one trick and then another. My eyes closed, my heart open, and my thoughts on everything else. Not the man I have fallen in love with nor the very King I want to overrule in the Men's skating bracket, my mind was on the ice. The ice and I who have become one, seemingly melting together. My blades sliding on the ice like I'm on calm waters; swiftly gliding over the waters.

My thoughts stop as I hear the sound of clapping. What the hell? I think as I go to a sudden stop, almost making myself trip. I glance around, "Who said that?" I question.

Suddenly a pair of hands cover my eyes, "You have to guess who," The familiar voice says.

I reach my hands to the mystery persons and smile, "Yuuri, you scared me!" I remove the persons hands and look back, low and behold it is the man I have fallen for, Yuuri Katsuki. "What are you doing here, I thought we decided that we're not going to practice today?" I ask as he wraps his arms endearingly around me.

"I wanted to see my shining-star, that should be clearly teaching me how to skate. After what I just saw." He beams and his eyes gleam.

"Y-You saw that?" I ask nervous. I keep meaning to show him but I can't do anything right with him watching.

He nods, "You're so good, you could skate circles around Vicktor; if you only you would do that everytime we practice"

I look down at the ground embarrassed, "Gee thanks Yuuri," I say sarcastically.

He frowns, "You know I didn't mean it that way, I just want to know what gets into you when we practice. You do so well on the ice all alone. What changes in you?" He asks.

I look at him for a moment and then blush lightly, "I like someone who is here all the time and I want to impress them but it doesn't go well"

"I take it this person you like skates as well?" He asks as I nod, "Are they male?" I nod again, "Are they really handsome?"

"He shouldn't get his hopes up, sometimes when he shows up here he is in a pretty rough condition" I laugh slightly, it brings my mood up thankfully.

Yuuri looks at me like he has been hurt, "That really hurt Star, that did!"

I laugh more, "Oh come on, you had it coming, but yes you are a handsome devil." I say as I peck his nose.

"To be all honest, I did. But wow, I expected more from you in that opportunity." He laughs.

"That's what you get when you ask the question Mr. Wakes up 5 minutes before practice." I tease. I know he will though something back at me.
He nods, "Says the one that has slept in past their 3 alarms. And for your information, you married Mr. Wakes up 5 minutes before the practice." He tests back.

"Okay that was only once! And I rightfully did, He would have been taken from me if I didn't!" I say.

"Well, I did have my Eye on Vicktor. But I guess I'll have to settle with you." He grins, knowing that he just pissed me off. I death glare him and he looks at the floor, "Sorry, you know I don't mean it." He shys away.

I roll my eyes and pull him close, "I know that you didn't mean it, just please don't say it again, It pains me to hear that you could have been swept away by him."

He nods and hugs me, "I love you and only you. I promised to love you forever and I don't see that ending anytime soon." He laughs slightly.

"That's good." I say as I give him a little kiss.

This man, I couldn't have gone far without him. He was there at my side when I needed him most. I keep falling in love with him, everytime I see him, I keep falling. It won't stop. I'm glad it wont.

I'm so sorry that this is short but, I needed to get something out lol. 

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