Festival of Colour and Love (Prince Soma, Black Butler)

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This is a short to go with the Holi featival. So yeah.  I am also sorry if anything is wrong. 

"(Y/n)?" Soma asks as he enters into your room
"Yes Soma?" You ask not looking at him. Being in an arranged marriage with the indian prince, you just had to go to india with him. Being away from your home in great britain has taken a small toll on you since you have never wandered so far away.
Soma sets next to you on your bed, "What's wrong?" He asks in a sweet tone. It was a sweeter more caring tone than his usual upbeat (and semi annoying) tone that he uses.
"Nothing, everything's fine." You say lying, strength thew your teeth.
"(Y/n), I can tell when you're lying to me. I have known you long enough to be able to see thew that mask of yours." Soma says moving a little closer to you.
"It's really nothing Soma, how am I going to get that thru your thick skull." You say flicking him on the forehead, which lead to him wincing in pain and rubbing the spot you flicked him at.

Soma studies you a while, then he has an understanding look in his eyes , "You miss home, Don't you?" He says trying to be quiet. You see, Soma wasn't really supposed to be in your bedroom at this time of night, or in your bedroom at all. Soma knew that Agani would be on the prowl if he wasn't in his room. And since both of you aren't married yet, you had to sleep in different places.
"Is it that easy to be able to read my face?" You ask with a blunt tone and a straight face.
"Yes, I can read you like a book." Soma replies back with a fast breath
You turn your head to face him, "I really hate you Soma." You bluntly state.
"I love you too (Y/n)." He says scooting his way next to you.
You lean a little on Soma, "Do you really?" You ask.
"Yes, why do you think I brung you here." Soma says laughing a little.
"You were right, I just miss home." You say smiling a little. Soma knew that you loved his laugh, it was kinda contagious.

"Well, since you miss your home, and your new home is here, and I remembered that there was a festival that I would like to take you since it starts tonight," Soma stands and goes to an attention stance in front of you, "So, (Y/n), would you like to join me in the Holi Festival. Otherwise known as the festival of colour?" Soma asks as he exsends his hand as if he were to pull you up.
Your smile grows and you grasp Soma's hand. Soma does a 180 and runs to open the door, but someone beat him too it, and that person was Agani.
"Prince Soma, what are you doing here at this time?" Agani asks, his godly right hand ready to fight and protect.
"We, uh, we, we were on our way to the festival of Colour. What were you doing Agani?" Soma questions back.
"I was looking for you Prince, you were missing from your room. If you were wanting to escape, you should have gone after my nightly rounds." Agani jokes. You and Soma exchange a look of confusion.
Agani rolls his eyes, "You can go, just make sure you're safe." He says smiling.
"Thank you Agani!" Soma says bowing to his butler(?), then pulling you out of his palace to the town.

In the town, Soma lead you to the square were almost all of town was gathered, some sort of coloured powder in their hands and people in apartments with powder in their hands.

Soma turns towards you, "You are going to see why they call this the festival of colours." He says taking both your hands. Music starting up from some apartments, and everyone began to dance, Soma and you joining in with them. The coloured powder going everywhere, getting stuck to everyone and everything. Your hair and your clothing covered in all the colours of the colour wheel. You look up at Soma, some of his purple hair poking thew the thick layer of powder.

"How are you liking the festival so far?" Soma yells so the sound can reach your ears.
"It's awesome. Thank you for taking me Soma." You reply hugging the prince.
"No problem, but we have to get back soon, Agani will kill me if I'm out too late." Soma yells.
You nod in agreement, "Alright, just make sure that Agani won't kill me." You yell back. Soma laughs and grabs your hand.

After a while of walking, the both of you were at the palace garden.
"Thank you Soma for showing me the Holi festival, I think it's a nice way of introducing me to your home. Next time we're in Britain, I'll make sure to plan it on a fun day. Hopefully there will not be any dead bodies this time," You think back to the first time you had meet Soma, being a mortician back where you lived, was not one of the best jobs that a girl could have, and being introduced to your future husband while you were working, was not one of the most ideal ways to be introduced.
"That was an interesting day none of the less, but, that was the day I was able to see your beautiful face, so, I make sure to cherish it even though it was strange." Soma says laughing a bit.
"Thanks Soma, at least you didn't have to meet my boss." You say.
"He doesn't seem all that bad. He did hire you." Soma jokes.
"Hay, being a mortician is a part of the family business." You throw back at Soma, punching him lightly on the arm.
"I was kidding, you were probably wonderful at your job." Soma says punching you back.
"Shut up Soma." You say leaning on him for support.

"Did you know that the Holi festival is not only the festival of colour, it is also the festival of love." Soma says.
"I did not know that, thank you for telling me Soma." You say giving him a light kiss on the cheek, and you start to walk off, "G'night Soma, see you in the morning." You say making your way to your room.
"G'night (Y/n)." His far voice responds back.

You reach your room and you close the door with care, "Now, time to get this off of me." You say walking to the connected bathroom. It seems that Agani knew that you would be covered, so there was a warm bath already drawn. You look to the door, "Thanks Agani." You whisper, even though he can't hear it.

Once the bath was a rainbow mess, you step out and make your way to your closet to change, only to see a note on a pair of pj's.

Dear (Y/n),

I was kinda not tired, so I took a walk around the palace and I somehow wound up in your wing of the palace, so I came here to pay you a visit. You, sadly, were nowhere to be found. If you see me hanging around the palace, or your wing, please drag me in or else Agani will kill me

Thank you in advance

"Only Soma." You say letting go of the letter, making sure that you closed the door to make sure that Soma wouldn't get flashed anything if he chose to walk back into your room.

Once you finish, you open the door and you lazily make your way to your bed. A strange lump under your covers made you a bit worried, but, hearing a small voice from under the covers, calmed your fear.

"Soma, what are you doing here?" You ask peeling off the covers to reveal a clean Soma in his pjs.
"I got bored and I wondered around the palace, and I wound up here, I knew you were in the bath, so I wanted to stay with you and sleep here since I can't sleep by myself." Soma says drastically, but silently.
You look at Soma for a moment, "Alright, just make sure that Agani doesn't catch you here." You say. Soma smiles.

"Thank you (Y/n)." He says as you make your way into bed. You made sure that you kept a little bit of space between the both of you, since, this was technically not right.
"Really (Y/n), I don't bite." Soma says pulling you a little closer to him.
"Well, this isn't technically right." You say.
"But it is also wrong for me to be marrying you in a sense, so breaking one rule for a night is fine." Soma says.
"Alright then, well, goodnight Soma." You say cuddling into Soma's chest, slowly falling asleep.
"Goodnight (Y/n)." Soma says falling asleep with you. 



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