Countdown Kiss: Saitama (OnePunch-man)

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I wanted to throw in some Japanese traditions, since the anime is set in Japan. So the words in italics is the Japanese and the parentheses next to it is their meaning. I got all of the traditions on a website called Japan today , so I hope this is right. If not, let me know.

I will also be throwing in some American traditions as I am american and I have not a clue what people over in Japan do, soooooo yeah. For example the ball drop in New York will be included. 

I also make an appearance in this. I'm Red in the story. 



"Hon?" I ask walking through the front door.
"Yes (Y/n)-chan/-kun." The bald man says looking up from his manga.
"Where's Genos? We need him so we can get everything ready." I ask walking closer to the bald man sitting cross legged on the floor.
"I don't know, he just left before you got here. You didn't see him go anywhere?" He asks standing and setting the manga on the top of the small bookshelf next to him. He slowly walks over to me, grasping me in a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Not even a gear. Where do you think he went off to?" I ask.
"Well, I can answer that question." A familiar voice says from the balcony. I turn towards it to meet my brothers gaze.

"Nobody needs your input Sonic. Why are you here anyways? Don't you have somebody to follow orders from?" I ask sarcastically.

You can really tell that I hate my brother.

"Well, I just wanted to stop by to thank you for the Nengajo (A postcard that people sent to family, friends, etc. to wish them a happy new year. This is similar to christmas cards.). Also for the hopes that I could join you all for today. I surprisingly have nothing to do." He says.

"That would be alright, the more the merrier. Right (Y/n)?" Sai asks sarcastically. He knows any presence of my brother annoys me.
"No." I say turning so that my back is to the both of them, and I walk to the kitchen.

"Genos, your back. Where did you go?" I ask as I see Genos enter the kitchen.
"I had to get something." He says setting some bags on the countertop.
"Alright. We have to get started on dinner. My brother is joining us." I say unenthusiastically.
"Red is also joining us tonight. She had called me a while ago, she should be here any moment." Genos says.
"Alright, I can deal with Red. Shes cool." I say setting all of the utensils and ingredients out so we can get started.

Not even a minute later there is a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Sonic says walking to the door.
"I'm back bitches." Red says walking threw the door, passing Sonic who was crying because Red never greeted him.
"Hello Red." Genos says.
"Hello All but Sonic, how's life?" Red asks looking at the floor where my brother now is, "Get off the damn floor Sonic, it's dirty." She says kicking him.
"Hey Red." I say walking over my brother to hug her. Red is a friend of ours that we meet along the way.
"Hey (N/n)," Red says hugging back, "Why is your brother on the floor, crying?" She asks letting go.

"Senpai no notice him." I say giggling.
"Shut up (Y/n)." Sonic says from the floor. Red only laughs.
"One day Sonic, On day." She says walking over to Saitama and Genos so she can greet them.
"I hate you." Sonic says slowly raising from the floor.
"Hate you too." I say walking over to the living room.

"I feel at home here." Red says hugging Sai and Genos at the same time.
"Well then, welcome home." I say joining in.
"Thanks (Y/n)-chan/kun." Red says.
"No Problem. Genos, we can't stay like this much longer. We have to start to cook." I say letting go and walking towards the kitchen.
"You're right." He says letting go, following me to the kitchen.

"Imma steal your boyfriend for a moment, m'kay?" Red asks.
"Sure, just make sure I get him back." I say as Red drags Sai somewhere outside.

"Hey Sonic." I say instantly regretting my choice.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Can you do a little bit of spying for me? Find out what their talking about?" I ask, still regretting it.
"Sure, what do I get in return?" He asks smiling. There goes his bad habit, and he seems to notice since he covers his mouth.
"Nothing. I don't owe you anything. I helped raise you." I say.
"Fine, only because your family. But just this once." He says moving slowly to the door, and slipping out.

A few moments later, Sonic comes back into the kitchen with both Sai and Red dragging him.
"What did he do?" I ask.
"He was being Sonic. That's what he did." Red says dropping him.
"Thanks Sonic." I say under my breath.
"No problem." He says groaning in pain. He must have gotten one-punched in the balls.


"Next time you try to sneak up on me like that, I'll make sure I kill you." Sai says a little defensive. What's gotten into him. Maybe Sonic ticks him off too. I think looking at Sai.
"(Y/n) why are you staring at me?" Sai asks.
"Oh was I, sorry Sai." I say looking down at the floor.
"There's nothing to be sorry about." Sai says pulling me into a hug, and dragging me to our room.

A little while later Sai drags me out of our room, after a little talk about the next year.
"Where were you two?" Red asks setting upside down on the couch.
"We were just talking. Nothing too bad. Get your mind out of the gutter." I say laughing a little. I set next to her, and Sai soon joins me.
"The countdown starts soon." Genos says setting on the floor.
"There's nowhere for me to set." Sonic says sadly.
"You can set on the cieling (Purposely spelled wrong for a reason)." Red says.
"Or outside." I respond.
"Or 6 feet underground." Sai adds.
"That works." Red and I say at the same time.

"I know." Sonic says. He swiftly disappears for a few moments, but then reappears on the couch with Red balanced on his lap.
"Nope." Red says getting of his lap, then setting next to Genos.

"Hey Tatsumaki and Fubuki are the ones dropping the ball this year." Sai says intrigued. Both girls put their hands on the button, and push, signaling the countdown to the new year.

"Ten" everyone says. Sai pulls me closer.
"Nine" Sai gently grabs my hand.
"Eight" He stands up and he leads me to the balcony
"Seven" We stand there.
"Six" He turns towards me.
"Five" He holds both my hands now.
"Four" He brings me closer.
"Three" His head inches from mine.
"Two" He closes the gap slowly.
"One." Sai whispers giving me a kiss on the lips.
"Happy New years." Everyone screams. Then there is a literal screech a few moments later.

I turn towards the door to see Sonic on the floor, Red with a disgusted look on her face in the corner of the living room (Mr. Corner), and Genos facepalming.
"At Least Senpai noticed him." I say laughing.
"Yeah. Happy new year (Y/n)." Sai says.
"Happy new year to you too. Let's hope this year runs as smoothly as you say.
"Yeah, let's hope." He says looking at your hand. A simple ring bares your left hand. "Let's see how long it take for them to notice." He says turning back to go inside.

I stand outside for a moment, thinking about the things to come in the new year. Then I walk in with the possibilities for a better year still in my head.   
I'm sorry Sonic-Senpai....... Anyway, Happy New years to all. 

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