A little Blind (Ba- I mean Jaehee, Mystic Messenger)

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Noelllle This is one you requested and I finally finished XD Now onwards


MC has entered the chat room

Jaehee Kang has entered the chat room

"Hello MC" She greets.


"Hey Baehee" I greet her back.


"Why do you insist on calling me 'Baehee'?"


"Because you are bae and I love chu" I complent, knowing that she's blushing on the other end. I love completing her and making her blush.

She's adorable. I think.


"MC......" She says.


"Yes ba-" I stop, my vision started to falter.


"MC?" Was all I could see before I left the chat.

MC has left the chat

I press the call button on the app's home setting and press Jaehee (It wanted to auto to Heehaw XDXD)

I have no clue whats going on with me, but I need Jaehee to help me. She'll know what to do.


The ringing stops and I could hear Jaehee's breathing on the other end.

"MC WHAT HAPPENED?" She asks frantically.

"Can you come over to the apartment, I need some help, I have suddenly gone blind, please, I didn't want to call anyone else." I ask. Hoping that she's not being kept up by Mr.Trust Fund.

"I'll be right over, just don't expect me to be dressed in my work clothing, I'm home and no taking care of Ellie." She says. I could practically hear her dancing as I know how much she hates Jumin's cat. But I understand why.

"I won't, just get over here and help me." I say.

"I'm making my way,for now just stay where you are. Alright?" She asks, as if she needs confirmation that I'm not going to move.

"Alright, I won't move an inch until you you get here." I say, I can hear some light sound of cars in the background. Its nice to hear the outside from the inside every once and awhile.

"Don't move, I'm going to go and focus on driving." She demands.

"I won't, I love you." I say, a smile shapes on my face.

"I love you too, I'll speak to you soon, Bye." She says hanging up.

Im glad she hung up, I couldn't see the button for it. I think as my vision fogs over more. Get here soon.

And soon she did. I hear the door open, close, then rapid footsteps that come closer to me.

I feel a pair of light arms wrap around me, "I'm here and ready to help." She says quietly.

"Thank you for getting here as soon as you did, I didn't want to go to the guys for help, as you know how 'helpful' they are." I say, remembering the Yoosung and Saeyoung situation.

"Oh yeah they would have been such a big help." She says sarcastically.

"They would have been." I laugh. It's been awhile since I have laughed, it felt nice.

"Now tell me what's wrong." She says, I could hear her set on the spot next to me.

"I was texting you and my vision started to go blurry. That's why I stopped texting and called you." I say recalling the events. As it seems, with my vision, my memory has blurred out.It must be the amount of stress and work.

"Interesting... I have no clue but how about we check with the doctors. I think they might know more and a way to help." She says.

"Good idea." I say

"Just let me call one of Mr.Trust Funds doctors and see if they can make it." She says as she taps away on her phone.

"So I texted his optical doctor and she says that its cause by low blood pressure, narrowing of veins. She said to drink water and take a blood thinner. She also said it is temporary." She says rubbing my arm.

"Sweet, so I won't have to stay blind and not see you for the rest of my life." I say cheerily.

"Yep, it should be gone in any moment, just let me get you some water and tylenol." She says as her voice gets further away.

"What would I do without her." I say as I slowly see again. I'm not going to say anything. I think as she come back with water and a pill. She hands them to me and I take the pill and drink the water to wash it down. That takes care of the headache. I think.

"Are you alright now?" She asks in a motherly tone.

I smile, I can't act like I'm blind, she's too cute to handle, I nod and grab her hand, and pull her into a kiss.

She kisses me back slightly and pulls away, "You can see now?" She asks.

I nod, "When you walked away my vision cleared," I smile, "I can see my wifu now." I hug her and we both laugh.

"How lovely." She says as I hold her close.

I pull her to the bedroom and flop onto my bed, she does the same a few moments later. I pull her close and fall asleep.


And I'm spent XDXD That took forever to write,... I am so sorry, but I got it up XD

love you guys

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