Memories of the Tall Blonde (Yagi/All Might (BNHA) x Short! reader

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That picture has nothing to do with this (credit to the artist that did it though becuase that is amazing)
But yes, my first one-shot from being back from the dead is going to be DadMig- I mean All Might/Yagi.
Warning: some minor curse words and a few ships of my own that are added ( EraserMic and Deku, IcyHot, and Bakuboi) if you don't like them them please skip.

Also, for the sake of this One-Shot, class 1-A will know about Yagi's normal form.

Discription: You are recalling some of the past things that Yagi and you have gone through while you both are together as you sub for class 1-A
-first person pov-

Yagi's students lean closer to me while setting at their desks. Since he is slightly sick, I have been forced to be his substitute. They all questioned me about him so I took a deep breath, and told them the stories.

"Yagi was a tall man, lanky but strong when he chooses to be so. To most, he can be very intimidating when he is all buffed out, but, not to me, there's more of him to love." I begin, all of them staring intently.

"I remember when we are out one night, we had started getting serious with our relationship out in public, we held hands and kissed each other, all that lovey dovey stuff. Yagi is in his normal form so he doesn't draw attention to himself. I mean he already gets looks for the amount of blood that comes out of his mouth, but, when your holding hands with someone shorter than you, it draws some eyes," Some students giggle, "I remember Yagi kissed me while we were out shopping one night and this old couple looked at us like we were crazy.
I thought that they just hated PDA and we went on our merry way. They stopped Yagi while we were leaving the store, and told him that they would report him to the cops for pedophilia if he didn't stop.
I, myself, was taken back for a moment. I know I am short, but I'm not that youthful. It also astounds me that they didn't even look or ask me about my relationship with him.
He stiffened up a bit at their remark and he slowly looked over at me, in hope that I could lighten up the situation. So, I politely told them that I was two years younger than Yagi and even showed them my ID. They just scoffed and went about their day. What pricks." They laugh slightly and I smile.

My smile grows as I talk about him, "Oh my god, there was a time when Yagi and I went out for a date and people mistook me for his kid. Let me tell you, I was wearing the most adult formal wear, I did not look like some 8th grade formal.
To piss me off and to confuse the people around us, Yagi acted like a smartass and started talking about our plans for the future- wedding plans/house plans, stuff like that, and we even talked about young Madoya, my practical son," I look over at him. He smiles and waves. I smile and wave back, "Anyways, everyone looked at us like we were nuts and you could tell I was getting a little pissed off with his cocky nature.
So when the dinner was done, he payed and I grabbed his hand and bolted with him out of there. I was thinking about scolding him for doing that but his laughter got me me and I completely forgot about the situation." The students smile.

"I remember when we got married, He had decided that for the ceremony it would be a few people. Young Madoya, who was setting next to his ‘friends’ Todoroki and Bakugou," I send the three boys a smile as they melt into their seats, "He and I knew that they are dating, it's was so cute actually, seeing Ma almost everyone from this class, and a few of his colleagues, like Mic and Eraser head," I can hear Eraser head sigh in the room next to us, I laugh slightly, "We put them next to each other because we knew that they are dating, and we shipped it a little...  anywho, he even invited some of my friends and family, he wanted everyone that was special to the both of us to be there.
He would be All Might for it for some odd reason. He dipped and kissed me, and then tossed me on his shoulders and carried me to the reception, where he went into his normal form, so he didn’t waist his time in his All might form" I send another look at my three boys, who seem to know what I'm going to talk about next, "Let me just say one thing… Bakugou, My boy Madoya and Icyhot have some moves. Every song all three of them were dancing like crazy. Through for the slow dance, all three of them just stood to the side, My small son in the middle of the both of them, casually holding their hands. I was smiling at them every time I was turned their way. I even flashed them a thumbs up, all three of witch blushed like crazy." I smile wildly as they look at their desks with raging blushes.

"After the wedding ends and everyone goes home, Yagi takes my hand and leads me to a car that takes us to some secluded part of Japan. It was for our honeymoon," I could tell that some students didn't want to know what happened with us, but, I tell them anyways, "And if I'm being all honest, that was a fun week, nothing other than cuddling and watching movies with take out since neither of us really enjoy intimate encounters," The students sigh of relief, they get to miss the birds and the bees talk for today, "There was a point when I wanted to make us dinner and I was too short to grab a dish I needed so he picked me up and I grabbed it with his help. He got a small kiss on his nose for the trouble and He smiled and then put me down so I could continue. Damn that was a fun trip," I cover my mouth, "Sorry"

They all reasure me that it was okay and that they have heard worse from Erader Head and to those comments I laugh lightly, "Now to the almighty All might," They all lean even closer so they could hear better, "While he's All Might I hide my identity for the sake of him and myself. The symbol of peace couldn't have a significant other, it would ruin his reputation, and I'm not even a hero, that would practically kill his fanbase," Everyone but young Madoya sends a look of shock, they all wonder how the symbol of peace would end up with a powerless human, "He did however, let it slip that he was in a relationship, the press were all over him," I sigh, 'Damn him for doing that.
He lied and lied to the paparazzi, just to get them off his back. It was uncomfortable for us all to see, he even stopped wearing his ring with his normal form," I mess with my ring a little, "For a month I couldn't awkwardly cuddle my husband because he was scared they would find out about us. He had himself on the damn pull out in the living room.
I had to convince him that All Might wouldn't just appear in our bed, He had to be channeled. I also had to convince him that paparazzi don’t just come out of thin air and to put his ring back on. Back to the original subject, He can't really channel All Might when his wife is cuddling him half to death and he's snoring past the clouds. What a way to power his quirk, am I right?" I smile lovingly, "He’s such a goddamn loser, but I love him nonetheless" The students smile, Bakugo still in slight shock, but he smiles a little.

And after a few moments of silince, the bell rings and class 1-A flood the halls, the only people left in the class are me and my boy Madoya.
I walk over and set on his desktop, "How did I do?" I ask.
"Great, everyone seems to love you. But did you really have to talk about me?" He asks resting his chin on my leg.
I laugh lightly and mess with his hair, "of course I do, what kind of other mother would I be if I didn't"
He sighs and looks up at you, "He's okay?"
I nod, "small sickness, he should be over it soon. Now, get going, your boyfriends are waiting for you," I tease.
He blushes and gets up and goes to the door, "Thanks for coming in for Dad, Other Mother," And he slips his way out of the room.
I smile and set at the desk, ready to call Yagi about what happened.

I hope you enjoyed. It's a bit on the longer side but I enjoyed writing this. It was ment to be something for myself but I modified it so I can share it with the world

Bye guys!

《Small reminder that I take requests for this and it would be really appreciated if you requested something!》

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