Late Creativity (Speed-o'-Sound Sonic, One Punch Man)

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The Picture up there is not the one from the story. I also had motivation to go shopping with a bunch of idiots today, then write. This happens on a daily basis XD.


What is this feeling? I ask myself. I have to do something about it. I say looking around for an answer. Ahha, I know what I can do. I just gotta get out of Sonic's death grip. I think trying to wiggle my way out of my boyfriends grip. Success! I think doing a victory stance. I glance over at the alarmclock, 2:30(am). I can totally handle painting at two in the morning.

For some reason, some nights, I have the random amount of energy to do something really creative. This happens on random occasions, but when it does happen, I have to do something or else I set in bed looking at the ceiling for hours on end.

Where did I put that canvas? I think looking around for my large canvas. There it is. I say grabbing it and my set of watercolours so I can deal with this creativity. I set down on the floor and turn on my desk lamp pointing at me so I can see.

"(Y/n)?" Sonic asks sleepily.
"What do you need Sonic?" I ask not looking up from the painting.
"Why are you up so early?" Sonic asks. I glance at the alarmclock, 5:21.
"I was working on something." I simply say looking back down at the painting.
"Can I see?" Sonic asks now intrigued.
"No, not until it's done." I say swerling paint onto the canvas that now holds a picture.

"Why not?" He asks sadly.
"Because it's a surprise." I say adding a few finishing touches.
"Well, tell me when it's done, I'm going back to sleep." Sonic says pulling the covers back over him.
"Suit yourself." I say setting the canvas upright so I can find any flaws with the painting.

"Alright Sonic, you can come look." I say after I fix the few flaws. A gust of wind appears then goes away as fast as it came. "Do you like it sonic?" I ask.

The picture was of Sonic, he was being himself, but he didn't have on his 'bad habit' on, he was genuinely smiling, wearing his ninja suit and looking to the right. Along with him, was me, wearing the same thing, but I'm looking to the left, as if Both Sonic and I were gazing into each others eyes.

"This is amazing (Y/n). You have wonderful talent." Sonic says giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks Sonic, now, Imma go to sleep now. I've been up since two in the morning so, goodnight." I say leaning back onto Sonic and slowly falling asleep.
"What am I going to do with you." Sonic asks wrapping his hands around my waist, and he falls asleep. Soon after him, I fall fully under the light of a new day.  

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