My prince in Blue (Ciel Phantomhive Black Butler)

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You set in your room, wondering why your price never smiles.

He tells you that he has forgotten how to smile. But you can see that, in his eyes, he is lying. He can remember, he just chooses not to.

You try your best to make him smile. Your Jokes, tricks, and gifts never make him even smirk. Or, not that you have seen.

He always smiles when you are not around. He loves that you try your best to make him smile.

He wants to save his smile for the right time.

"My dear prince, why do you not smile?" You ask
"Well my dear princess/prince, I have forgotten how to." He simply says looking deeply into your eyes.
"Oh....well my dear prince. I am sorry to hear that."

And ever since then you have tried, and tried, and tried to get Ciel to smile.

"(Y/n)?" Ciel asks looking into the library where you usually are.
"Yes My prince?" You ask looking up from a book that you were engrossed in.
"What if I told you that I loved you?" Ciel asks.
"Well my dear prince, it would be a change. But it would make me happy to hear." You say.

"Alright," Ciel says taking you from your seat, and taking your hands, "Well, here goes nothing. I love you (Y/n), I love you will all of my heart." Ciel says wholeheartedly.
"I love you to Ciel." You say smiling.
Ciel then smiles. Not his smirk, a smile.

Your mouth drops to the floor. "Y-you actually smiled!" You yell almost fainting.
"(Y-y/n)? Is something wrong?" Ciel asks catching you.
"No, you just looked so cute. You need to smile more often." You say

Ciel looks away from you and blushes.
"Awwwww, Ciel, you are so cute." You say smiling.
"Please Shut up." He Pleads.
"No, you look adorable. I happen to enjoy your emotions. When you show them. It makes me love you even more." You say kissing him on the cheek.

Ciel is now speechless. He came in here to ask you something. And here he is. A blushing mess.
"Ciel, I have a feeling you had something else to say." You say looking at him.
You look into his blue and purple eyes. He told you about the contract, and you just told him that it was his decision. So he keeps his eyepatch off when you are around.

"I-I-I ummm............. I wanted to ask you... I-I-I wanted to ask you, if I could have your hand i-in
m-marriage?" Ciel asks.
When you hear 'Your hand in marriage?' You about cried. You were fully aware that this was heard for Ciel to ask.
But you pushed that behind you and you nod. "Yes Ciel. Yes. A million times Yes." You say hugging him tightly.
Ciel smiles once more at your remark. "Thank you (Y/n), I love you fully, and I always will." Ciel says burying his head in your shoulder.
And the both of you Cuddled in the library afterwards, talking about some wedding plans.   

Edited Dec. 16th, 2018

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