What does it mean (Eren JaegerxLevi Ackerman)(Attack on titan

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This is to make up for that really sad short. I also did not plan for this to end like it did. It was One in the morning and I had that creativity surge.... so yeah.
This is not sad.

"Levi, you are pretty intelligent right?" Eren asks turning over into meet his boyfriend's gaze.
"I would hope so." He flatly says.
"Alright, then if you are all so intelligent, what does every kiss mean," Eren ask getting a little closer, "what does every gesture mean. Tell me. Please?" Eren asks.

Levi looks at Eren for a moment, as if he was trying to find if Eren was really kidding. But Eren was far from kidding.
"Alright then, I guess I could tell you. And show you." Levi says, whispering the last part.
"Alright." Eren agrees.

He has no clue what he has gotten himself into.

"We will start with kisses. A kiss on the stomach," Levi starts, "means that 'I am ready.'" Levi says kissing Eren's stomach, making Eren giggle a little.
"A kiss on the Forehead means that 'I hope that we're together forever'," Levi says. He moves up a little so he could kiss Eren's forehead, "and boy do I hope so." Levi says kissing Eren's forehead again.
"A Kiss on the ear means 'You're my everything' which you are." Levi says moving Eren's head so he can kiss his ear, nibbling on it a little. This action makes Eren blush.
Levi laughs, "You are really flustered Eren, why?" Levi whispers into Eren's ear.

Eren is speechless. He was not expecting such a, reaction.
"Moving on. A kiss on Cheek means we are just friends. But since we are more than friends. I don't have to demonstrate." Levi says
"A kiss on the hand means 'I adore you'." Levi says taking Eren's hand into his and giving it a kiss.
"A kiss on the neck means 'We belong together' which we do." Levi says moving down a little so he can gift Eren a kiss on his neck. Eren, still a blushing mess.
"A kiss on the shoulder means, 'I want you' and you don't know how much I do." Levi says making a line of kisses from Eren's neck to his shoulder.
"And finally, a kiss on the lips means 'I.Love.You.'" Levi says moving from Eren's shoulder, right to his lips.

Levi pulls away fast, leaving Eren on a cliff.
"Now for gestures, Holding hands means that we 'definitely like each other'." Levi says taking one of Eren's hand into his, giving it a light kiss in the process.
"We definitely like each other," Eren says taking levi's other hand into his, kissing it as well.
"As we do." Levi says. "The next one I can't do because nobody is hitting on you, and who honestly would, but a slap on you behind means 'Mine', which you are. But there are many other ways to show you are mine." Levi says turing Eren over so he is setting in Levi's lap. "Holding on tight means 'I don't want to let go' and I don't." Levi says tigining hin embrace on his tall lover.
Levi somehow flips Eren on his lap so Eren is facing him. "Staring into eachothers eyes means 'I just plane like you.' But, I love you so that would be useless." Levi says looking at Eren's eyes. "Playing with your lover's hair means that they want you to tell them 'I love you'." Levi says moving a few pieces of hair out of Eren's eyes.
"I love you Levi." Eren says smiling a bit, his blush had died down a little.
"Love you too Eren." Levi says.

"Next, your partner's arms around you waist," Levi starts as he slyly wraps his arms around Eren's waist, pulling him closer, "means 'I like you too much to let go', I do like you, so I wanna keep you for as long as I can." Levi says.

"We are almost done. Just two more to go. Laughing while kissing means that you are comfortable around that person." Levi says pulling Eren in for a kiss. Thinking of a funny memory of Eren, Levi laughs.

"What's the last one Levi?" Eren asks.
"Well, the last one is about your hands. It's about how your left hand has a vein that leads straight to the heart. And it is about a thing that goes over it. But pay no attention to that, I have no demonstration for that, at least not now." Levi says.

"Oh."Eren says a little disappointed.
"Don't be so sad." Levi says pulling Eren even closer than he already was, and he gave Eren a kiss that would make him forget all of the others that were shared just a while ago.

While the both of them shared that kiss. Levi managed to grasp Eren's hand, and slip something small on his finger.

Levi pulls away since there is a thing that is called air that is needed. And Eren looks down at his hand.

"I lied." Levi plainly states.
"That is the only lie you can ever tell. But, you wasted your lie on something beautiful." Eren says.
"I would never lie to you again. Not in any kind of circumstance." Levi says.
"Good." Eren says snuggling into Levi's chest.

"You know. I can't love you as Eren Jaeger anymore." Levi says.
"What." Eren says flatly.
"I will love you as Eren Ackerman." Levi says as Eren smiles.
"I will always love you as Levi Ackerman." Eren says giving Levi a small kiss on his lips before falling asleep buried in his fiancee's chest.  
I saw this thing and I was like 'I could make this into a story honhonhon (French laughter)'. So I did and I had to look at the list of one-shot people (Un-requested) and my eyes caught Eren and Levi. So I did this really late at night..... so if it sucked.... blame it on the timeframe. 


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