Men can wear Skirts and love their boyfriends- Gumlee (Adventure time)

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So I drew gumball and a friend told me to write gumlee... so here is some highschool AU gumlee

Au- high school (still their normal species)
Warning- if you can't handle gumball wearing a skirt then leave

Gumball smiles as he walks from his home. His lolita figure being hugged by a maroon dress shirt and a sweet periwinkle skirt. His hair done up and everything.

He walks confidently out and is greeted by flowers being shoved into his face, he laughs lightly, "Marshie, you got me flowers?" He asks grabbing them and giving them a generous sniff.
Marshall nods a little and shys away from his boyfriend, a rose dusting flushes his face as he looks at Gumball's choice in clothing, "You look cute," he says smiling.
Gumball smiles sweetly and grabs his boyfriends hand, "Today is Special, it's our day," He kisses Marshall's cheek, "Ready to go?" He asks.
Marshall nods, "I hope you didn't bring too much, today's lessons are all laid back, and I'm taking you somewhere after school," He says, walking forward- lightly dragging Gumball the way to school.
He follows, smiling slightly, "I have the sling bag you got me for today. It has all the normal stuff and some extra things for my appirince," He gripes at the bag strap, "and I beilive my wallet is in there some where"
"You don't need your wallet, I have today covered, It's my gift to you since you are always giving me gifts" Marshall expresses. Gumball nods and the pair walk their way to school.

Once the pair get to school, Marshall keeps close to Gumball, sending glares to those who look at them in any nasty way.
The gum-man notices Marshall's distressed and disconcerting glares, he rolls his eyes and pulls Marshall into a hug, "They don't matter, whatever they think isn't relevant. Don't let their hurtful looks and words  belittle our Valentine's day," He whispers.
Marshall nods and kisses Gumball's forehead, "I'll try," He sighs lightly, "I just don't like how they glare at us. So what if I, Marshall Lee Abadeer, love you, Bubba Gumball?"
"There is nothing wrong with that, A man can love his boyfriend, and if people think otherwise then, excuse my french, then they are assholes." Gumball kisses his pale boyfriend as he laughs lightly, "let's get to class, yeah?" He asks.
Marshall nods and leads Gumball to his first period class, Marshall bolts to his first class.

Gumball waits for the bell to ring for his first class. His pencil trails the lined paper he set out so he can write out the guesses for where Marshall is taking them or what Marshall got him.
He smiles at the possibilities that could be.

A icey scoff could be heard from across the room, Gumball looks up and his face falls to one of disgust, the woman who is as cold as ice itself walks though the door, sending glares at the pink haired prince.
"Trying to look like a woman to avoid me getting you?" She hisses.
"I'm taken, Ice, there is no trying to get me, and for this, men can wear skirts, and who judge that are assholes." He sends back, sounding as cold as she is.
Lord Monochrome sets next to gumball and taps a 'Calm Down, Gum, she isn't worth your time' to him.
Gumball listens to his friend and ignores the Ice woman and focuses back on his guesses.

The bell rings for the last class of the day and Marshall makes his way to his Gummie's last class. He smiles, seeing his pink hair in the crowd that is going in Marshall's way.
He grasps onto Gumball's arm as he passes and spins him so he could go the way that Marshall was going, "You excited?" He asks, an arm resting on Gumball's shoulders.
"I've been making guesses all day, I'm so very excited Marshie," He smiles wide and his hands reach for Marshall's that rests on his shoulders.
Marshall smiles, "I bet you didn't guess what I have planned for you, Blowpop" He kisses Gumballs nose and guides them out of the school.

"WHAT THE HELL IS MARSHALL DOING WITH THAT CROSS-DRESSER?" They hear from across the halls. Marshall heats up with rage, but gumball grips his hand and kisses his cheek lightly, reassuring that he had this.
Gumball eyes the people who screamed yelled, "LET A MAN LOVE HIS BOYFRIEND, AND LET A MAN WEAR A SKIRT, GOOD GLOB! IT'S NOT LIKE WE ARE HITTING ON YOU! YOU ALL ARE JUST ASSHOLES," He yells in retaliation, and it seems to work.
Marshall smiles down at his gumwad and guides him out the front doors, "Thanks Blowpop," He says kissing then adrenaline rittled Gumball. Gumball only nods to witch Marshall laughs, "I love you, blowpop," Marshall says, wrapping his arms around Gumball's neck.
Gumball snaps back to reality and wraps his arms around Marshall's waist, "Love you too, Marshie," Gumball smiles with a dust of dark pink on his cheeks.

Marshall rests his forehead agesnt his boyfriends and embraced him, "we still have a night of plans, blowpop" He says, breaking up their peaceful moment.
Gumball smiles wide and nods, "Lead the way, Marshie" He says.
Marshall nods and leads him to the rest of the night.
Happy Valentine's day everybody :)
I hope it was/has been safe for you all

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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