His Lead, My Follow: Undertaker(Black Butler)

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Above is the song and your dress. 
If male or not comfortable  wearing a dress, you wear something like to Sebastian.

This song goes to its original owner.

"Once again, Not invited." Adrian says looking at the Phantomhive Manor that is filled to the brim with people.
"Don't be sad Adrian. We can dance on our own and throw our own party." I say trying to cheer him up. This is the fifth party this year that the both of us missed since The young earl failed to bring us.
"You are quite right (Y/n), but how will we make music to dance too?" The Undertaker questions.
"Dancing is not about the music, Dancing is about how you feel." I say.
"Alright, you got me hooked, let's go home." He says taking my hand and dragging me back to the shop.

"Wait, Adrian stop!" I yell making everyone in town look our way.
"What is it?" He asks looking back at me.
"I saw an old record player back there. Maybe we can use that instead." I say pointing backwards.
"Alright, let's have a look, shall we." He says as I gently tug on his hand, wanting him to follow me. Which he does.

"Do you think this will work?" I ask as we enter his shop.
"Maybe, maybe not, I have a few records, just let me grab them." Adrian says.
I set the record player nicely on one of the many coffins in his shop. I run my hand along the needle and admire how well the condition of the player was, we did find it off of the beaten path, so there must be some flaw with it.

"Here we are." Undertaker says revealing a record.
"Alright, but before we dance, maybe we should get into the appropriate attire. Wouldn't you say Adrian?" I ask.
"Why not, I gave you a dress/suit way back didn't I?" Adrian asks setting the disk on the platform, not yet setting the needle.
"You did. I must wear it for this occasion." I say running to our room so I can change.

"My, My, you look wonderful." The Undertaker says as I make my way to the main room.
"You look wonderful yourself." I say looking at him. He was wearing a suit, definitely a change from his normal attire, and his top hat.
Undertaker turns and sets the needle on the already wound player. Starting up the song. "May I have this dance?" He asks, extending his hand so you can take it.
"You may." I say taking his hand.

The both of us bow to each other as the music plays on.
We rise, and Adrian pulls me close so the both of us start to dance.

We waltz thew the song. Sometimes slowly, sometimes fast. The both of us moving like one, His lead, my follow.
The sound of the music fills the main room. We get lost in each other's eye's, his Reaper Green eyes gazing into my (e/c) eye's. My eye's on his. Our rings glinting in the candlelight, our blood flowing, yet not.

The both of us, so interested in each other, we fail to notice the music stop. We were so caught up to even notice the bell on the door ring, signaling someone has entered.

"Excuse me." A voice says. Undertaker looks over.
"Oh, hello young lord. Of what need am I to you on this fine evening?" He asks, not removing his hand from my waist, and his other hand from mine.
"Well, I came here because I wanted to give you something." The young lord says extending his hand, an envelope sets in his palm.
"Alright, is that all for tonight Young lord?" Adrian asks taking the envelope and setting it aside.
"Yes, goodnight Undertaker, Goodnight (Y/n)." The Young lord says walking out of the shop, closing the door behind him.

"You were right, Dancing isn't about the music, it's about the feeling." Adrian says removing his hand from mine, and his other hand from my waist.
"As I am." I say watching him as he walks over to the player, as he rewinds the song, and as he starts it again.
"Well, why don't we get lost in the feeling again, and dance until we can't stand?" Adrian asks taking my hand and waist, once again bringing us closer together.
"I would love to." I say as the music starts again, and we waltz.

We waltz all night, not needing to replay the music, we just get lost again. We get lost again in each others eyes, in each others steps, in each others hearts.
His lead, my follow.   

I like it so I'm going with it

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