He can see me (Shadow! Link x Shadow! Fem! Reader) (LoZ)

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Link falling for Zelda, Shadow Link falling for Shadow Zelda (You), What happens when Shadow falls for his own persons Loves (zelda) shadow? Well, you can find out here.
You can't see me, you can't hear me. She can't see me, she can't hear me. Even though I am a part of you, even though I am a part of her. There is a person who can see me. He and I are great friends.

Though we can't speak, we often write letters to each other. We see each other when they meet. We speak, well, rather write, to each other. Telling each other about our days spent apart, then staying together until one has to leave.

Since we are not visible during the night, we detach from our people, and we meet each other and 'talk' then.

Our notes going back and forth, talking to each other about everything and nothing until the sun rises over the mountain, and we go back to our person, and go a few days, months, or even a few years without each other.

We still talked even if he was gone for almost a century. We sent letters back and forth. Every day, every night. Sometimes during the night, if we were close, we would separate from our people and find each other at our hiding spot in the garden. It's always nice to see him.

When he was gone for so long, I grew sad. I never really got to 'tell' him how I felt. I wanted to send him something, but, I was scared to. Until that day.

I was with her, per usual, but, she received something in a text that she does not know. I became very intrigued in the letter since, I, can read the text. And looking at the Sender, I knew it was from him. She was gone for a few moments, so, I sneak to the letter and tear it open.

Dear Shadow,
I Love you

My jaw drops. What am I to do? I think to myself. But my hands are faster than my mind, so they grab a quill and paper, and they begin to write.

My Dearest,
I love you as well, and as long as the stars shine, that is how long my love lasts.

Then I fold the note and set it out so it can get to him before his person wakes up. Just as I set the note out, she walks in. So, I rush to her side, and I make sure that I was always there.

Lets just hope he gets it in time, in time before the fight, the time for his defeat. But, too much of my demise (and surprise), it didn't.  

Whelp, that happened-Red

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