My Victorian prince- Damien (Dream Daddy) x Trans! Dad-sona

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Heyo... this is going to be my first time posting smut like content on here so please don't be too Harsh.
I am also sorry for any mistakes within the oneshot.

The art for this one-shot was done by me, and by, drawing that was a ride XD

Warning- This is the original definition of smut, a lime, some might call it... yeah.

He smiles and holds his partner's hand, “Today was wonderful my dear,” The goth smiled at his partner as they reach the large doorway to Damien's home, “Care to come inside?” He asks gesturing towards the door. [Name] nods and follows Damien inside the Victorian home.

“I still go breathless everytime I walk in here.” He smiles as he looks around the familiar house.
The goth smiles and leads [Name] to the parlor, “And when I look at you my breath is taken,” [Name] blushes lightly, setting down on one of the couches. Damien sets on [Name]’s lap and gently rests a kiss on his hands, “Such beauty you hold.” He smiles and kisses his lovers blushed cheek.
“Damn it, Damien,” He laughs to himself, “You really know how to make a man blush.”
“I only know how to make you blush, dear,” Damien smiles and kisses his partner gently.
[Name] smiles a little in their little kiss, he is content with being here and having Damien trust him.

Damien parts and rests his head on his lover's chest, “What is going through your head?” He asks softly.
[Name] looks down and smiles, “You,” He says tenderly, he runs his hands though Damien's soft hair and smiles, “I can’t seem to get you out of my head my dear.”
Damien closes his eyes, relaxing at the touch of this partner, “It would be terrible if someone else took your mind,” He nuzzles himself closer to [Name], “You're so comfortable.” He says lulling off slightly.
[Name] smiles, “why don't we get you to bed?” He asks, to witch Damien nods and wraps his arms around [Name]'s neck.

The [hair colour] carries the Victorian to his room and carefully rests him on the bed that sets in the room.
“Please rest with me, my beloved,” The goth says sweetly, tenderly caressing the [skin tone] man’s cheek. The lick of sleep still at hint. He nods and lays next to Damien, slowly wrapping his arms around the narrow man. Falling asleep together.


[Name] awakes slowly, fluttering his eyes open as he curls closer to his betrothed. He feels Damien’s slender fingers run through his hair, “Hello Love,” He says lovingly, placing a gentle kiss on [Name]’s cheek.
He blushes lightly and nuzzles into his lover's chest, “Hello dear. What time is it?” He asks squinting slightly, his glasses seemed to have been taken off and set aside/his eyes have been fogged from sleep.
Damien grabs [Name]’s phone from his back pocket and turns it on, the bright light blinding the both of them, “It’s midnight,” He sets the phone on the nightstand and curls around his partner, “The most wonderful time of night,”

[Name] sighs, “I hate to ask this of you, but can I stay with you for tonight?” He asks.
Damien nods, “It’s too late to be roaming the cul-de-sac, and I would feel offended if you left at this time of night," The goth says, his voice drops to a whisper, “And I would like to try something.”
The [hair colour] looks at him confused, “What’s the matter, dear?” He asks.
Damien looks away with a blush, “I said, I-I want to try something with you,” he says with a rise in his voice still shy.
“Oh,” He says with slight enthusiasm, “What do you want to try?”
Damien looks down and blushes hard, “Since Lucian is away on his trip and Amanda is away for school,” He blushes even more, “M-maybe we could try doing, y-you know w-what” He hides his face in his lover's chest.
    The [hair colour]’s eyes widen, knowing what he meant, “O-oh,” He blushes deeply, “I-I mean if you’re ready,” He says softly.
    Damien looks up at the [Last Name], “I-I mean I know that I to be with y-you and that I should trust you with my body… that sounded odd, I’m sorry my dear if I made it akwar-” Damien is cut off when his lover pulls him into a sweet kiss.

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