A Christmas for the commoner (Haruhi- Ouran High school host club)

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This is the one-shot I promised.
This will follow some of the Japanese traditions for Christmas, meaning I had to do some research and I am gravely sorry if I got anything wrong!

Warning: none
Discription: Haruhi and you are just chilling on Christmas.

Her eyes glint as we walk down the streets as we look at the lights, her smile told me that she enjoyed her time walking with me.
The eve of Christmas is spent with your lover, witch thankfully, Haruhi agreed to go along with me to see the lights.

"Hey [name]," she says lightly. I look over at her and hum, "Thank you for taking me out for tonight. I know the others wouldn't be so interested in such a "commoner" activity," she says setting the word commoner in quotations.
I laugh lightly and kiss her hand, "Anything for you, now, shall we head home?"
She nods, "Please, I think I'm dying to try that fancy tuna I know you got me." She drags me home as I laugh on. 
Her nose tells no lies.

I sleep on the floor next to my bed after we exchange gifts. I didn't want her to feel too uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as me so I took the floor and gave her the bed.

In the morning I wake up early and sneak my way to the kitchen.
I set out the Christmas cake and I heat up some fried chicken from last nights dinner. Setting everything out nicely so when she comes down our breakfast doesn't look like it was just thrown together.

Soon after she appears in the doorway of the kitchen humming the final balid to "ode to joy".

She sniffs and then rubs her eyes, she smiles bright and runs me into a hug.
"Thanks [name], Christmas isn't looking so host club," she smiles and hugs me tighter, "What is planned for today?"
"Mostly relaxing, I was planning on us going to Tokyo Disney, but, I wasn't willing to spend that much money for a singular day at Disney for the both of us," I sigh.
She smiles, "Having a relaxing Christmas sounds amazing. Let's get it started with breakfast, yeah?" She saunters over to the table and sets in her spot.
"Hell yeah," I dash over next to her and we both dig into our breakfast and our relaxing day

Heeeyy, I did a thing. I am going to list the traditions i have but first. I wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and a wonderful new year. I want to do something for new years again but I don't know what to do.

Anyways! The list!
- Christmas eve, couples walk around to see Christmas lights
- Christmas Cake
- Fried Chicken on Christmas, I can't make this up
- the final balid to "ode to joy"
- Tokyo Disney

I hope I got those traditions correct and I hope Haruhi is in character.
Thank you all so much! And I hope you enjoyed!

《Still taken Requets》

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