Swing Dancing with a Ghost Napstablook x Reader

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Dis is a 'Ghost in a Human form' Napstablook x 'Ghost in a human form' Reader.

(Meaning the both of you are Ghosts, that appear human, but you do not have a physical body. Since the both of you are ghosts, you can interact with each other like normal monsters. )

Blooky and you are Dating, and the both of you Live together in Blooky's house.


You and Blooky are Laying on the ground, your hands together, casually listening to Spookwave. Thinking about life as it is in the Underground. The universe is slowly going around the both of you. (A/n- Supercalafradulistic EXISTENTIAL CRISES)

The usual thing that happened at your guy's house.

But, all good things must come to an end. You set up and looked at the record that was playing. It was almost to an end.

"I have it (Y/n)." Blooky says standing up and changing the record. When Blooky sets the needle on the record, and the record starts to play, it is some sort of Jazzy toon (A/n- *chough* Ghost Fight extended *Cough*).

"This is cool Blooky, did you do this one?"

"No, I found it a while ago, I never really got a chance to properly listen to it."

"Well, it suits you well."

"Thank you (Y/n), Care to dance?" Blooky asks holding his palm out.

"Alright." You say taking his hand. Blooky helps you from the ground, and the both of you do a swing dance to the music. (A/n- Jazz dance was to slow for the song)

The both of you doing surprisingly well.

Well, the both of you did well, Until someone burst threw the door. Surprising both you and Blooky, making you miss a step, fall, and taking Blooky down as well. Makeing him land on you.

"Was I interrupting something?" The voice asks.

"No Metta, it's fine." Blooky says standing, and pulling you up as well.

"Hi Metta, what are you doing here so early?" You ask.

"Well, I finished one of my shows early. So I took a boat to Snowden, got Papyrus, and went on the same boat here." Metta says (A/n- I am guilty of Shipping Pappy and Metta).

"DID SOMEONE SAY MY NAME?" Pappy yells hopping onto Mettas back, almost making him fall over, but he keeps his balance.

"Hi Pappy. Hows everything down in Snowdin?" You ask waving.


"Everythings fine here."

"Grand, Darlings, but I have a question."

"And the question would be?"

"What were the both of you doing before we barged in here?"

"We were dancing, what do you think we were doing?" Blooky asks.

"Nothing.... Oh Look at the time, we must be going now. Have a nice night the both of you." Metta says turning around and leaving.

"GOODBYE!" Pappy yells as the door shuts.

"Well, that was interesting."

"Tell me about it." You say looking at the record. It had stopped while Metta and Pappy were here.

"Wanna dance again?"

"I will dance with you anytime." You say re-setting the needle to the beginning of the record.

You and Blooky join hands again, and dance. You both swing dance again to the music without getting interrupted.

And your finishing part of the dance was the sugar push (A/n- Reference vid at end of story). But instead of stopping every time the both of you got close, you guys gave a little kiss and parted so you could carry on with the dance.

But little did the both of you know, Metta and Pappy were recording the both of you dancing.

"CAN WE GO INSIDE NOW?" Pappy asks.

"Keep it down Darling, I just have to finish getting the tape. Annnd Done. We can go in now." Metta says putting his phone away and walking inside with Pappy. Lightly giving him a kiss.

The both of you totally oblivious to the event. But when the song ended, the both of you set back on the ground.

"That was fun. We should dance more often." Blooky says Lying on the ground

"Yeah, that was fun." You say lying next to him.

Then the both of you go back to the universe and think about life. You hands connected again.

It was a nice day for the both of you. And who knows, dancing maybe a thing at your guy's house.


I know this was shorter then usual. But I like it. It is cute. So I am sticking to it!

The vid for the suger push and how to do it.



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