My Obsession: My Doctor (Doctor Frank-N-Furter X Male! Reader)

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 MalexMale, bc of transsexual, Transylvania, and the whole situation with Rocky.

I also have no clue what this is.


I have to clear something up.
I know I am dating a kinky Transvestite. But, I don't care. I love him, and He loves me. So don't get on me for that. Don't judge a book by its cover.

"(Y/n) Darling?" Doctor asks.
"Yes Doctor?" I ask walking to him.
"I have my new creation done. But I fear that I will never have time for you, my little obsession." He says wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"You will have time for me....after dark." I say looking at him.
He looks back at me and smiles. "Of course darling." He says.

"Just don't spend so much time with this creation, you may just leave me for it." I say setting my arm around his waist.
"I would never do that. You are my obsession." He says inching closer to me.
"I believe you. I just wanted to hear you say it." I say.
"Oh, my Obsession, does that make you happy? Me calling you my Obsession." He asks.

"Oh yes. That makes me more then happy Doctor." I say Moving closer to him now.
"Oh really? That is always good to hear." He says dipping me.
"Always." I say before He gives me a kiss while bringing me back up.

Once we part. Magenta walks in with her gong and bangs it as usual. "Masters, dinner is prepared." She says dramatically.
"Thank you Magenta." Doctor says.

Once we are at the table, I set in my spot. Meaning the lap of Doctor. And as usual, nobody else at dinner. Magenta and Riff Raff are somewhere doing some strange things while we eat dinner.
"You know what my Obsession. I think I will keep that creation in the dark for a while longer. I mean it still has a few bugs, so, why not." Doctor says laying his head on my back.
"Alright Doctor. Whatever you think is best for the creation." I say leaning back onto him.
"Thank you for being supportive my Obsession." Doctor says.
"No problem, I am here to be your number one supporter and cheerleader. That will never change." I say.
"I can deal with that. What about we ditch this dinner and get to the show?" Doctor asks.
"Oh you know it." I respond.

I would rather not say what happened, but something happened, if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

"Doctor?" I ask.
"Yes, my obsession?" He questions.
"I love you doctor." I say looking over at him.
"I love you too my Obsession." He says looking at me, and giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

I don't even know what that was, but, it happened. 

Remember to stay fabulous darlings


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