Happy Birthday Mello/Miheal Keehl (Death Note)

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Happy Late birthday Mello! 

i am also so sorry if he is out of character XD, I have not had a chance to finish reading/watching death note. The wiki has no information on his personality.

But I do have the Another Note for Christmas and the book is told in Mello's point of view sooo....  yeah. 


I feel chills up your spine as you fumble to get the keys to our apartment.
Mello is going to be here soon, I have to get everything ready, it is also freezing, I hope Mello took his car. I think finally finding the keys, and unlocking the door.

The apartment was small, but it fit Mello and I, since the both of us lived together.
The cake I ordered behind Mello's back was setting on the counter, and the gift I am giving him is in my hands in a black gift bag.

"He will love it." I whisper setting the bag next to the cake.
"He'll love what?" Mello's voice says from the door.
"MIHAEL KEEHL, DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I yell turning around and hiding Mello's stuff behind you.
"I see you asked Wammy what my real name was." Mello says walking into the apartment, then closing the door.

"Yes, and I found out something else." I say not moving from my spot.
"And what would that be?" Mello asks trying to look behind me.
"How come you never told me your birthday?" I ask.
"You have asked me the same question ever since we started dating. And the answer has stayed the same." Mellos says still trying to look behind me.
"And that answer would be?" I ask.

"That I hate having a birthday because it reminds me that I am getting older, and that I am one year older to death, and being without you." Mello says.
"Okay, you have never told me that, and, I thought, while I was at Wammy's, I did a little research." I say.
"And that research was?" Mello asks.
"Close your eyes." I say.

Mello obediently closed his eyes, and puts his hands to his face.
I move from my spot and take a stand in front of him, and I remove his hands from his face, and give him a small peck on the lips.

"Open your eyes Mello." I say. Mello opens his eyes to see his gift, and a chocolate cake.
"Happy Birthday my tuff teddybear." I say giving him a hug.
"Thanks hon, but you did not have to do this." Mello says putting his arm around my shoulders.
"I did have to do it. You do nice things for me on my birthday." I say.
"Alright, and is that cake chocolate?" Mello asks. I facepalm and nod my head.
"It's triple chocolate surprise." I say as Mello's face lights up.
"You can not have the cake now though, you have to eat Dinner first." I say, then Mello frowns.
"Whhyyy, iitt'ss chocholate!" Mello says melting to the floor.
"Well, dinner before snack. And sometimes, I think you love Chocolate more than anything else in this world." I joke.

Mello sighs, "Fine, but what is for dinner?" Mello asks.
"I have no clue.....I did not have the time or patience to make anything." I laugh.
"We can order a pizza and watch a movie." Mello suggests.
"Alright. I GET TO PICK THE MOVIE!!" I yell sprinting my way to the movie cabant. Mello rolls his eyes and take out his phone to call the pizza place.

Meanwhile, my eyes flew threw the selection of movies. When my eyes land on a new movie, Hansel and Gretel, witch hunters. I take it out of the cabinet, and put it in the disk player.
"The pizza will be here in a little bit. What are we watching?" Mello asks setting down on the couch
"Hansel and Gretel witch Hunters." I simply say setting next to him.
"Better then (Y/f/m). I saw this with Matt. It was cool." Mello says.
"Well, you have to live with it, or it is no chocolate for you Mr." I say as the movie comes to the title screen.

After a while, there is a knock on the door.
I turn my face from the Tv to face Mello, and Mello does the same.
"You are getting it." Mello says.
"No, you are getting it, it is your turn." I reply back.
"But it is my birthday." Mello says.
"You had to play the birthday card." I say pausing the movie, and getting up to answer the door.

The person knocks again.
"I'm-a comin, I'm-a comin." I say grabbing Mello's wallet because I am broke, and walking to the door.
I open the door to see the pizza guy/girl and our pizza
"That will be $10.00, Miss/Mr. Fine." The pizza guy/girl says handing me the pizza.
I take the pizza and give him/her the money. "Here is your money, and I have a boyfriend. Goodbye." I say closing the door.
"You told them off, nice." Mello says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Yep, now let's go watch that movie." I say.
"Alright." He says unwrapping himself.
"Yas, common birthday boy. Let's go and be introverts for the rest of the night." I say taking his hand and I drag him to the kitchen so I could grab his gift, then to the living room so we can watch the movie and eat pizza while watching witches get their heads torn off.

"Can I open my gift now?" Mello asks since it was the end of the movie.
"Sure." I say handing him the bag.

Mello takes the bag and he opens it.
"Ah, you know me so well." He says as he takes out a stack of Hershey's chocolate.
"I try my best. I was going to get the world's largest chocolate bar, but then I thought you would leave me for it sooo, yeah." I say laughing a little.
"Smart move. I can also carry this around which is good. Thanks." Mello says giving me a hug.
"No problem." I say hugging him back.
"Alright, now cake time!" Mello says dragging me to the kitchen so he can cut the cake.


There we goooo


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