In heaven above (Armin x Reader)(Attack on Titan)

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So this was asked by Shadowlurker12 to write this. I am sooo sorry if Armn is a little out of character....I am not finished attack on titan, I am in the middle of reading the manga and watching the anime. I tried my best. So here goes nothing


ARMIN HELP!” (Y/n) screams. I turn around to see my love being shoved into a titan’s mouth. I try and run to help, but I am stopped by someone.

“(Y/n) is gone.” They say holding me back. I try and fight them away, but their grip on me stays. The Titan the ate (Y/n) runs away, but it only is killed by Titan Eren, who rips the titans head clean off. Letting it desolve into nothing.

End of Flashback-

“Hay Armin.” Eren says looking over at me.
“Hello Eren, Hello Mikasa.” I say.
“You seem down, what’s on your mind?” Mikasa asks.

“I really Miss (Y/n), I know it has been a few weeks. But I still feel that I could have done something to prevent the titan eating them.” I say looking down at my hands, I can feel tears coming to my eyes.
“Armin, all of us wish (y/n) could be here. But they arn't, so, we have to accept that. I know this hits you in a different way because the both of you were dating, and practically at each other's hip. But even if (Y/n) is gone, they are with you in your heart. (Y/n) is waiting for you up with everyone else. They miss you too.” Mikasa says in a comforting tone. But what she says, makes me want to cry more.

The both of us loved each other. We made a promise to leave this place and try and find somewhere safe so the both of us could live a happy life that doesn’t involve Titans or Killing them. We were going to live a happy life the both of us. I think as I feel tears spilling from my eyes.

“I need all soldiers in the Survey Corps!” Levi yells.
All of the Survey corps stands, I do as well. I don’t want to go on another mission.
“Grab your gear and meet me outside.” Levi yells.

Another Mission, yaay. I think. Mikasa and Eren look at me.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” I say wiping the tears from my eyes.

Time Skip to the place of titan hunting

I go off after Levi lets us. We have a mission to kill as many titans as we can, while Eren (who is Levis Boyfriend, but says he is not, even though Levi told us he is), has to lure titan near us so we can get them.
“Armin, you good?” I hear someone say from me.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks for asking.” I say not looking behind me to see who asked. I parkour (so I don’t waste gas)  my way up to a rooftop that is stable. “Nice view from here, there is a 7 meter class Titan, but I know I can’t get it, but I might as well try.” I say jumping from roof to roof.

“ARMIN!” Someone yells
I don’t acknowledge the voice behind me, I just keep on going.
“ARMIN!” I hear again.
I still don’t stop. I get closer to the titan. Close enough to slit the back of its neck. So I go after the titan.

Once I get close enough to jump, I try, but the titan grabs me mid-flight. I panic. I try stabbing the hand of the beast, but it is no use, the titan still holds on.

This is how I die, great. There is no one here to help save me like Eren did back when we started in the survey corps. I am now titan chow. What a great way to die. But I will be with (Y/n).
I can see them now in heaven, looking down on me in horrer. Like I did when (Y/n) was eaten. I watched as she/he was eaten, helpless to do anything. That is a sight I will never forget. I think as the titan pulls me closer to its open mouth.

“ARMIN!” Someone yells.
I chose this fate, I must take it. Goodbye everyone. I think as I am put into the dark cavern called the titan’s mouth.
Then I slip down the titans esophagus, and that was that.

Time skip

I awake with a bright light and something on top of me.

“Huh, what the?” I say setting up and looking around. It was a bright surrounding. Nothing much, the floor and everything around it is white.
“Armin?” I hear. I look down to see (Y/n) laying on my lap, facing me. Their eyes slightly open.
“(Y-Y/n)?” I studder.

I am so sorry if this was crappy. And I am so sorry that this was short. I hope y'all enjoyed it

So Long and Goodnight my lil' titans

Edited Dec. 16th, 2018

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