Secrets and Pain- BillDip

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This was requested by unicornlovers44. She asked for a one-shot were Bill finds (and Reads) Dippers Journal (Dis will be his personal one) (Bill is going to be human, and dip will be around 17)

So I hope chu love it!!

And Lets get it Poppen

Bill's point of view-

I wonder what Pine Tree is doing now? I think making my way to the Mystery (S)hack.

I can hear some yelling in the distance. "OH MY GOD MABLE!" The voice says.

What is Shooting Star doing to him? I think getting closer.

"Oh Come on Dip, it was a joke," Shooting Star starts, but is cut off, "YOU KNOW THAT THIS WAS PERSONAL! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Pine Tree yells.

I hide behind a tree so I can get a closer look.

"There is no need to be like that Dipper. Now if you excuse me. I am going off to Pacifica's." Shooting star says with a higher, more meaner tone, and she stomps off.

"Hello Pine Tree." I say walking in front of him. His demeanor goes from angry, to soft, and happy.

Narrators point of view

"What was that all about?" Bill asks.

"Oh, that was nothing." Dipper says looking at the grass in embracement.

Oh dear lord plz don't let him into my room. Dipper pleads in his head, to witch Bill grins.

"Exsuse me Pine tree. I have something to take care of." Bill says walking past Dipper. Towards the Mystery (S)hack. It takes Dipper a while to realise what happened. But when he is able to process it. It was too late, Bill was already in the (S)hack.

Hehehehe, what are you hiding Pine Tree? Bill thinks walking to Dippers door.

(He knows because he 'watches' Dipper from the mindsape.)

"NO, DON'T GO IN THERE!" Dipper yells from the bottom of the stairs.

"How about no Pine Tree." Bill says grasping the doorknob, and opening the door.

But once he opens the door, Dippers room is plastered with pages.

"What the f-." Bill starts.

But Dipper interrupts, "LANGUAGE!" (A/n- The Captain America intensifies) Dipper yells.

"What is all this?" Bill says looking at one of the pages.

"Nothing, it is nothing! Totally Nothing! Hahahaha" Dipper says.

"September 13th, 2XXX
I have never thought my life would come to this. I have decided to stay at Gravity Falls, and run the shack.
Mable comes and goes every summer. I can't believe she wants to go back home.
On a different note. Ford and Stan have moved away from the Shack so they can explore together. I am alone here.
During the summer, Mable stays with her Girlfriend.
It sometimes can get pretty intense here while you are alone. I wonder if there is someone that would rent out a room of the shack.. I'll find out later.
-Dipper" Bill reads.

"Oh Dear Lord." Dipper grons.

"This is your personal journal Pine Tree?" Bill asks as Dipper nods.

"Mable pulled a little prank and plastered it all over my walls while I was away. I tried to take it down. But she used super adhesive glue." Dipper says.

"I see......

June 25, 2XXX
I have been getting a strange feeling that someone is watching me. I still live alone. And it is still scary. Before I go to bed. I always make sure that I exercises the shack before I sleep. But, I sill feel that precince, I know that the precince is a demon because the feeling I have is highly intends. I will continue to do as I have.

"Will you stop Bill." Dipper says

"October 8, 2XXX
So, I found out what, or more like who, was watching me. It was Bill. And to my surprise, he was alive, and human. And nice......waht???? He was also kinda hot as well," Bill reads, but he could not go any further because he was interrupted by Dipper.


"You think I'm hot Pine Trreee?? Hummmmmm???????" Bill asks.

Dipper does not answer back. He just stands there with a red face. Not able to walk or talk.

Bill smiles and walks closer to Dipper.

"Admit it Pine Tree. Ya like me." Bill says.

"Maybe I do." Dipper says.

"What a shame, I liked you. But I guess I am not welcome here." Bill says walking past Dipper. Holding he would say something. But nothing came from his mouth. "Alright then." Bill says walking out the door. "NEVER MIND! Dipper!" Bill says hoping on Dippers back.

"WHAT JUST HAPPEND!" Dipper yells spinning around with Bill still on his back.

"I like you Pine Tree. I haz on one. PLZ LIKE ME, LIKE I LIKE YOU!" Bill yells.

"Bill Cypher (or Cipher), The all seeing eye. Likes me. Dipper Pines. A clumsily baka?" Dipper asks.

"YES, NOW ACCEPT MY LOVE!" Bill yells.

"I may. But I have a question." Dipper says

"Alright." Bill starts, he is thankfully calming down.

"Do you like pain." Dipper asks.

"Sorta." Bill responds.

"Then I don't like you." Dipper says flatly.


"Do you like this kind of pain?" Dipper asks.

"No. I don't like this pain." Bill says sadly.

"Good. Nobody likes that pain. And if you mess up. You will fell that pain again." Dipper says looking over his shoulder to face Bill. "I like you Bill." Dipper says smiling.

"Yay! I like you as well. And can I live with you Pine Tree. I kinda got banned from home (*cough*Hell*cough*). Hehehe." Bill says getting down from Dippers back.

"Sure. Why not." Dipper says with a smile.

"Along with that request, can you teach me to be human?" Bill asks.

"Okay. But I draw the line at that Henti stuff." Dipper says.

"Oh, alright." Bill says sadly.

"Don't be sad. I will teach you about that stuff later." Dipper says.

"Okay." Bill says like a goof.

Done. I hope this was good.

I like this idea and I tried my best

If you would like for me to write something for you PLZ request it. I would gladly do it.

See ya spoon Mai SassMasters

(Yes, I know I said spoon)

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