Time away from work (Lawlite x Fem!Reader)(Death Note)

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A Lawlite (Death Note) x Fem! Reader
That is the best picture that I have of Law.
Now Onwords!

Like Lawlite, you grew up at Wammy's House.

The both of you were very tight when you were younger. But you drifted apart because Lawlite had to go to Japan, you on the other hand stayed in London.

When he came back for a visit. The both of you reconnected instantly. But he was asked to come back to Japan to study a case, but he turned it down, he did not want to lose you again. He was worried about you, nobody knows why, not even himself, but he was. So he turned the job down.

You knew that the ravenette liked doing his job, and when you heard from a little birdy that he had turned down the job. You were kinda interested to know why he would do such a thing. So you when you saw him, you asked. The ravenette was for the first time in forever, nervous. Nervous to say what the real reason was, but he knew he would have to sooner or later.

He told you that he liked someone here, and that he would not want to leave her. This broke your heart a little, but you were also happy.

It hurt you because you liked Lawlite, but you were happy for him because he found someone. You ask who she was, but Lawlite ignored the question, and pulled you into an unexpected hug.

You stiffen at first, but melt into a hug. But you were still a little confused. Lawlite whispered in your ear that he liked someone who he has been best friends with her for a long time, and it clicked.

You point to yourself, and he nods.

You told him that you liked him as well. And does something very different. He gives you a little kiss on the cheek. Your face was powdered with red. The ravenette chuckles, and asks you to be his girlfriend. And you, of course, say yes.

When it comes to you, Lawlite can and will be a romantic and a little out of character. But he only shows that side around you. He would never show you lots of affection when the both of you are out around people, the occasional hand holding or a small kiss, but not usually. But when the both of you were alone somewhere, wherever it was, he is all about you and him. He will kiss you, hug you, make you happy, give you sweets, take care of you, even if you have your shark week. He helps you get thew it (A/n- Boyfriend goals). Around you, Lawlite acts like a real human (well, a different kind of human, I mean, have you seen his stats?) not L, the intelligent detective that hides his identity, he acts like Lawlite, the cute (yet slightly perverted), sweet man that you got to know and love.

I will stop my rant no so you can get on with the story.

Actual story five years later-
Around 5:30 pm (17:30) during fall.

"Lawww." You wined. But L being L, he just went on working. "Law........please, just answer me!" You say glomping ravenette
"What is it Love?" Lawlite asks not breaking contact with the computer screen.
"Can we just hang out for today. The both of us have been in here for more than a week." Your muffled voice says thew his thick and messy hair.
"Alright, it would be beneficial to the both of us to at least go out, or stay inside with the blinds open, doing whatever." Lawlite says saving his documents and turning off the computer.

You did not realize that today was your 5 year anniversary. You barely celebrate it because Lawlite was always working on the day that it fell on. But he had a thing in mind, that is why he gave up so easily.

"Sweet, just a day with my favorite detective." You say lifting your head off of his, and moving so you are next to him.
"You mean that?" Lawlite asks wrapping his arms around your waist, and setting his head on top of yours.
"That you are my favorite Detective? Of course I mean that." You say snuggling into his embrace.

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