Eleven Promises- levi and Eren (AoT)

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I am sooooo sorry if this makes you cry. This is a story that is going with a drawing I drew for my friend, even though the story does not match the picture whatsoever. This is a Eren x Levi from Attack on Titan. Here goes nothing.

We were on a mission to kill some titans at Wall Maria.

And being the titan shifter, I was naturally the person to go first, so I changed and made my way to the wall.

But once I stepped foot into the village on the inside of the wall.

All my memories good and bad came back.

The time I killed the men, the time I helped Mikasa out of her old home, My mom's death. They all came back to me. I go down on my knees and put my hands on my face, my long hair covering my hands.

I can still hear her screaming.

I can hear the sound of all the people that where Titan food, screaming. That memory came and hit me like a roundhouse kick to the head. And it stuck there, not leaving until I relive that memory all over again and again.

I feel as if someone is watching me.

So, I whip my body around, trying to knock over the eyes who were watching.

I look to see who was watching me, but there was no one. I could then feel my neck being sliced open, and a cold sharp, metal thing being struck in the slice.

I reached my neck, then fall to the ground in pain.

The person who was watching stands on a rooftop to watch me fall.

I hit the ground with a huge crash, the person then jumps off the rooftop, and skillfully lands in front of my face. This person was short, male, and is wearing a cape. I know who this is. It was my dearest, it was Levi. I know you are humanity's strongest, but you can be humanity's biggest idiot. I think as Levi looks into my large green orbs. Then a face of horror is slammed across his face. "EREN!" Levi says in panic. I just nod my head, and slowly change out of my titan form.

Once I am out of my Titan form, I limp my way out of the titan carcass (that is left behind every time I shift) and make my way to Levi.

Once I reach him, his face is still horror struck. And tears come from his eyes. Levi takes me by my waist, and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Eren, I am so sorry. I did not know that was you. Mikasa told me to find you, and I thought that you were just another titan. I thought that you where in human form. I am so.........I am........I am so sorry my love." Levi says crying into my chest.

"I know...I know. Levi, if I die, please don't leave me." I say.

Levi parts from our hug, leaving me to relie on my own strangeth to stand, and looks me right into my eyes.

"Don't you say that, don't you ever say that. You know I could not live with myself knowing I killed you." Levi says crying even harder.

He looks so broken like this. I hate seeing him like this. It kills me. I think.

"Alright, but if I live, can you promise me 11 things?" I ask.

"I can do that." Levi says.

"Okay, One. Please stay by me as much as you can. I love seeing you. Two, I will try and follow all your orders, just please don't kick me. It really hurts. Three, please trust in me. It makes me unbelievably happy when you do," Levi is softly crying now, "Four, Let's come back alive, or if one of us gets killed, the living one finds the other, and brings them home. Five, please talk to me. Hearing your voice makes me melt on the inside. Six, when I am in need of cheering up, please be the one to come to me. You are the only person that can cheer me up during a hard time," He is now crying like crazy. I can hear his sobs even tough his face is buried deep into my chest, "Seven, Please hear me out when we are arguing, I have things to say as well. Eight, If I lose control of my titan self. Please be the one to kill me,"I start to tear up myself,"Nine, Don't blame yourself for my death, it was not your falt. Ten, As I die.......stay by my side, because if I open my eyes still in this world, you are the first person I want to see. And eleven, I beg of you....please......don't forget.....that I.......that I really,"

Was all I could say before I clasped to the ground.

But I never hit the ground. Levi catches me, and slowly sets me on the ground.

Then when I am setting on the ground, he sets next to me, and waps his arms around my waist.

His cape covering both of us.

"And please.........remember.....that I really....love you." I say as my eyes start to get heavy.

"I promise you all that, and more. I love you and I will forever Eren."Was all I heard before everything goes black.

I am once again sorry if there are any tears. I was hit right in the feelz when I re-read it. So you are not alone.
I am sooo sorry again

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