You are not monster to me- yan. chan and budo (yan. simulator)

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This a Yandere-chan x Budo. I know she loves Senpai, but I saw this ship. And I loved it, so I wrote a short about it. Enjoy!

Yandere-Chan's point of view


I finally have her! I think as I end the life and dismember, my last know rivel, Oka Ruto

"Senpai will finally notice me!" I say taking Oka's hand and throwing it across the Occult room.

The doors were locked and everyone from the occult club where dead along with her.

'I had to make sure. I think pulling out my phone. I need a new uniform to replace the bloody one I have on now, I wonder if I have enough pay for it.' I think pulling up Info-chan's contact.

Me- Hay can I get a new uniform?

Info-chan is typing.........

Info-chan- Yea, you have enough just for that. The uniform will be dropped from my window, you know where it is.

Me- Thanks.

Then I put my phone away and unlock the door. I open the door and sneak my way out to the back behind the school.

I go to info-chan's window where she had already dropped the uniform. I pick it up and walk to the girls locker room.

Little did I know, someone was watching me before I went into the locker room.

After I get myself cleaned up and changed into the other uniform Info-chan gave me. I make my way upstairs to dispose of the weaponry I used.

'Back when I was getting my stuff from Info-chan I could feel as if somebody was watching me. I mean they where talking out loud but I could not make out his words, the voice was booming, so it would be a male. Not Senpai, his voice sounds like velvet. It can't be one of the occult boys. I killed them all. All of the other boys avoid me. It could not be one of the delinquents, they have a scratchy voice. Then it hit me like a tailpipe of a car. It was Budo. He was watching me. Great, now I have to kill someone else, I just changed as well, what a shame.' I think walking into the occult room. only to find the weapons I had used, gone.

'What the heck happened my stuff, I could have sworn I put it in here.' I think looking around the occult club some more.

"They are not here, why god dang it." I say looking up at the mess of books and body parts. "Well, I may as well get going, school ends in a few minutes." I say walking out of the occult club and locking the door behind me.

"AYANO-CHAN!" A voice yells from behind me.

"What?" I ask turning around. It was Saki.

"I was told to tell you that you were wanted at the gym." Saki says catching her breath.

"Who told you that?" I ask getting closer to her.

"I was told to keep it secret. but you have to go now, before school ends." Saki says.

"Alright, alright. I will go. Bye Saki." I say walking in the other direction of Saki, towards the occult room, but past it to the doors that lead out to the track.

'I wonder who would want to see me, Maybe it is Senpai!' I think as my heart gets a little flustered.

I see an outline of a boy, but he has longer hair then senpai. I wonder who it is. I think getting closer. The person turns around to face me.

The person was Budo.

"Hello Ayano." Budo says waving to me.

"Hello Budo, I was told someone wanted to see me. I think you are that person." I say standing in front of him.

My Little Book of One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ