Not in Red (Grell, Black Butler)

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Edited December 16th, 2018.
I changed Grell's pronouns because it is what she prefers in the overall series.
Grell Loves you. She Loves you like she loves red. One of the reasonss she loves you so much, is because you are, how should I put it, you are unique.

You, unlike everyone else, she has come to know you don't look good in red in her eyes.

Every other colour looks amazing on you, but red, she has to make you take it off. And since you loved her back, you did what she asked and changed.

That was in the past, but now, both of you are married and happy together. But why Grell hates you in red, is still in the back of your mind.

You have asked her many times before, but she brushed them off. Saying that it was not flattering on you, or it doesn't match your complexion, stuff like that. But you know her, and you know her well.

You know that she is hiding the real reason.

Grell?" You ask looking up at her.
Both of you just woke up and you are cuddling in bed, why you may ask. Just cause.
"Yes (Y/n) darling?" She asks back.

"I am aware that I ask this a lot. But, Imma ask again because you never give me a true answer. But here goes nothing. Why do you not like me in red?" You ask again.
"Why do you want to know so much darling?" Grell asks.
"You always wear red, and when I try to wear it, you have me take it off. I just wanna know why." You say burying your head in her chest.

"Alright, fine, I'll tell you why. But you have to give me something in return." She says setting her chin on the crown of your head.
"What do you possibly want, you now I am broke as a fricking mirror after Sebastian throws you into one." You say.
"I just wanna kiss from my love. For the love of bassy, I can't have a kiss from you?" Grell asks with a hurt tone.
"Fine, I'll give you a kiss, but you gotta tell me why I can't wear red." You say.

"Deal." Grell says.
"Deal." You say before kissing her on the cheek.
"There's your kiss. Now spill." You say.
"I'm sorry, that was not a kiss Darling. You know what kind I want." Grell says taking your chin into her hands, and moving your face a little too close to hers.
"Uhh, fine. You kinky motherfu-" was all you could say before you were shut up by Grell's lips crashing onto yours.

While the both of you did...that... She managed to lay your head in her lap. Then Grell parts from the kiss, leaving you unhappy.

"Why the long face darling? Are you sad that I cut that a little too short?" She says looking down at you with her elbow on her knee and her hand on her cheek. Her eyes on you
"Maybe, maybe not. Now, will you tell me why you hate me in red." You say setting your hand over hers.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. The reason why I don't like you wearing red is because when you wear it, it makes you look paler than normal, like a corpse. I am aware that as reapers, we are technically corpses. But you look like you are setting in a coffin, waiting to be buried. And it makes me feel like I was the person who put you there." Grell says sadly.

This too you, made you suprised. You knew what she did, you know about all the blood she spilled while she was Jack the Ripper. But having her second guess all of that, by an account of one person, flabbergasted you.

"Grell, you are not getting rid of me for a looong time, I plan on being with you 'till the heavens judgment takes us both." You say looking at her eyes, she looks down at your eyes, making whatever that was, a staring contest.

"Was that the answer you were looking for Darling?" Grell asks not breaking contact.
"No, but I am glad you told me. But I need to be sure of something." You say narrowing your eyes.
"What would that be?" Grell asks.
"Are you hiding anything else from me?" You ask.
"Nope, I am an open book." She says smiling.

"Okay, I trust your word." You say smiling back.
"Great, because we are going out today, and I am not telling you where." She says.
"Sometimes I wonder about you." You say laughing a little.
"We have to get ready. Let's go." Grell says standing up and walking to the wardrobe.

The answer you got may have not what you have expected. But, you got the answer that made you closer. 

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