Papyton Christmas

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I am so sorry that this is late but, life happens XD 
If you don't know who Impact is here he is

I am so sorry that this is late but, life happens XD If you don't know who Impact is here he is

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"Oh pappy dear." I say sweetly from the kitchen.
"YES METTATON?" Papy says walking into the kitchen.
"Can you go get Impact so he can open his christmas gifts? Santa has gotten some for him, I also have something for you darling." I say
"ALRIGHT." Papy says running off to get our little Impact.

"Mama Mama! It's CHRISTMAS!" Impact yells jumping into my arms.
"Yes Darling, it is, so, while don't you look under the tree to see what santa got you. You have been good this year, so I think santa brought you many gifts." I say letting him down.
"OH BOY!" He yells running to the living room and to the tree.
"Papy, are you in the living room?" I ask peaking into the living room.
"YES METTA!" He says.
"Alright, Impact, wait until mama gets the camera, then you can open your gifts." I say running upstairs to our room.

"Where is that camera? I knew I had it out last night." I say look around for my camera.
"You looking for this?" A voice says.
"Sans? What are you doing with my camera, and more importantly, what are you doing here." I ask turning towards the shorter skeleton.
"Well, I wanted to see my little nephew on christmas, I also wanted to see if you were trying anything with my brother. As for the camera, I was checking something." Sans says handing me my camera.
"Why would you think I would do something that bad to my darling Papy. He is so innocent, I would never try anything like that with him. I know you think I only want to use him, but you are wrong. We have Impact and he is our life, he is always with us and he will be the only. So if you don't accept that, then leave." I say pointing to the door.
"Wow Mettaton." Sans says looking stund.
"I am not letting you ruin Impact's christmas, so, if you want to be here, I recommend you get out of the house, come back in after I get down there, and not say a word about this to Papy." I say walking out of the door, not letting Sans say another word.

"WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG DEAR?" Papy says as I take my seat next to him.
"I lost my camera, but I have it now, so, Impact you can open your gifts now." I say looking over at our son who eagerly awaits to open his gifts.
"Oh boy." He says growing a large smile as he looks at the pile of gifts.

There are knock at the door.
"Can I get it Mama?" Impact asks.
"Sure darling. Just be careful." I say looking over at the door.

Impact runs to the door, and opens it.

"UNCLE SANS!" Impact yells.
"SANS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Pap asks standing up and walking to the door.
"I wanted to see you guys. I can't visit my brother and my nephew on christmas?" Sans asks as Impact runs to give him a hug.
"Hya Uncle Sans." Impact says giving Sans a hug.
"Hya kid. Hows life going for ya?" Sans asks ruffling Impacts fringe.
"It's going great. But a few days ago I scared Mama and Papa by turning into my ghost form." Impact says.
"You did scare us, but it was our mistake by not remembering that you are part ghost considering I am one." I say looking down at him.
"Well, that must have been an event. But I do believe that Santa had been here." Sans says.
"Oh yeah." Impact says running to the tree.
"SANS, LATER I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK WITH YOU." Papy says walking to the tree, I grab paps hand and walk with him the rest of the way. Sans trailing behind as usual.

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