syndicate : chapter three

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please comment through out lovelies, ty for 1k

Luke's outfit, minus the coat because it's hot af


Luke would be meeting Reece today for the first time. The team of five were in a hotel room, waiting patiently for the time to arrive.

Luke currently sat is the bath, Liv shaving his legs for him. "Are you okay?" She asked, sensing Luke wasn't as confident as usual when going undercover. He was usually so confident when playing a criminal to arrest them but maybe it was because Reece Grean was such a dangerous person--he'd killed people for money.

"I guess. Just nervous." Luke shrugged. "I don't know how to approach boys normally, never mind on a mission." Luke blushed softly. "And being alone on the mission makes me anxious. I usually have Q with me but being alone with Grean, makes me nervous."

Liv tapped his leg, "you'll do perfectly fine Luke. You're playing a role today, so act like you know what you're doing." She said and Luke sucked in a breath and nodded.

Liv finished shaving his legs before he got out and dried himself off, wrapping the towel around his waist. Liv sat him down before she pulled out her tweezers from the make up kit and started with his eyebrows making Luke pull away after a few plucks, rubbing his skin. "Ow, it hurts." He pouted.

"I'm pulling hair from your skin, it will hurt Luke." She tutted and the blond frowned but let her continue her work.

Olivia then added some light make up to his skin, doing his mascara before filling in his eyebrows, adding a light pink lipstick to his already pink lips. "Don't you look like a pretty boy." She cooed and lifted a mirror, showing Luke his reflection and his eyes widened.


"I know." She grinned, before going through her bag and pulling out a tub, "this is body butter, put it on your legs and collar bone area, you'll smell like flowers. Then your clothes are on the back of the door, I'll leave you be." she smiled before leaving.

Luke put the body butter on before rubbing it in. He stood up and unwrapped the towel from around his waist before staring at his body in the mirror.

He wasn't sure if he liked what he saw.

His dark tattoo stood against his pale skin before he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "You're playing a character." Luke reminded himself, "This Luke is confident and flirty and a bad ass--you can do this Luke."

Luke grabbed the girly underwear, slipping them up his legs and letting them feel snug on his bum. He checked himself in the mirror and nodded, before pulling on the matching bralette.

Luke took the black skirt off the hanger, it was printed with white diamonds, a cure pattern going around the hems before he pulled on the sleeveless shirt, it came down just above the hem of the skirt and he looked in the mirror and nodded again. "Looking good Hemmings--you can pull Grean. It'll be easy peasy."

Luke pulled on a pair of trainer socks that came up to his ankle before putting on the black ankle boots with a small heel. He licked his lips and sorted out his hair, he already missed his beard. Liv had made him shave that day and he liked the hair on his jawline.

Luke picked up the white box that held his ear piece, picking up the see through flexible piece of technology before sticking it on the inside of the shell of his ear.

Luke sprayed perfume on himself before he took in a deep breath and picked up his sunglasses that could record what he saw.

He headed to the door and grabbed the handle, opening it and pulling his best pose as he leant against the door frame.

"Do I look like I belong on the cover of Vogue yet?"

Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn and stare at Luke and they were--shocked.

Luke looked good--hot.

"You look so fuckable." Michael said, "Q can you fuck Luke for me."

Luke scrunched up his nose, "no thanks." He stood normally before straightening out his skirt. "I feel really tall and my dick is suffocating in these panties." Luke complained.

Terry ignored Luke before he began to talk, "I'll be there as Luke's body guard to make him seem more important plus I'll be watching from afar and keeping a look out on the situation." He said, "Q will be driving us in."

"I like what I'm hearing." Luke grinned, "body guard and chauffeur--sound like I'm in a famous band."

"We'll hear everything you say and what Grean says and your glasses will have a camera in as you know and we can get photos and maybe grab a phone password or something." Michael explained. "Just don't start fucking straight away I don't want to hear it." Michael said and Luke laughed.

"I don't fuck on a first date."

"You did before." Liv said, "with that one guy."

"That was different, it was a prince." Luke pointed out watching Terry roll his eye. "Hey because I fucked him, we completed that mission."

"And we're very thankful." Terry sighed. "Now let's go before were late."

The three of them left, Liv and Michael saying bye before the three got in a fancy black car. Luke sat in the back with Terry.

They drove for a few minutes before approaching the horse racing event.

Luke stared out of the window before sighing, "what the fuck have you got me in to Terry?"


Reece is here next chapter!! Be ready!

just realised the cover of the book links with the story damn

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