syndicate Ⅱ : chapter thirteen

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An update what's this

Hey remember when people liked this book, same, 30+ comments pls, also updated its not the length of life it's the depth :-)

the + is just a smidge


In Australia, Michael sat at his desk with the mission report from the night Luke's home was raided in Shark Bay. His heart was heavy when he read that the house was set on fire and no bodies were found and that they had escaped, he was glad Luke had gotten away but what if next time he didn't? What if he was shot and killed while pregnant?

Michael knew that he'd be forced to track them down again, at first it had been because he wanted his best friend back but he now realised that what Luke needed were Reece and their kid. Michael had to do something about it and he'd start by quitting. Michael stood up from his desk and stormed from the office and towards Terry's down the hall, he entered the office without knocking and looked at his boss who simply looked up at him. "Yes?"

"I quit," Michael said, his heart beat going rapidly.

"What? Why?" Terry asked.

"Because you'll force me to fine Luke again and by now he's six months pregnant and I can't do that to my best friend," Michael said like it was obvious as to why.

Terry scoffed, "what if he's there against his own will? What if the baby was conceived in rape?" Terry speculated and Michael couldn't believe the bullshit he'd just heard.

"You know that's bullshit, you read the trial transcripts, and you know Reece would never," Michael said, defending the criminal because he knew that'd never happen not after Reece's father, he'd never do that to Luke either, he loved Luke too much to do such a terrible thing.

Terry shrugged, "it doesn't matter, we'll get Luke back, and we'll arrest Reece, their baby will be adopted by someone else--"

"What? No, you can't do that." Michael raised his voice.

"I can, Luke will be arrested for aiding and abducting a criminal, he can't look after a baby in prison," Terry said, going about his work as usual.

Michael shook his head, "and this is why I quit," he glared at Terry before leaving the office, only to bump right into Calum, the maori boy had his arm in a sling having been at Shark Bay and been shot in the shoulder by Reece (Michael was kinda glad Reece had been able to get some shots at them).

Calum grinned at the sight of Michael, "Hey pretty boy." Cal said, his eyes fond as he leant in and kissed Michael's cheek.

Michael stepped away, "not now." He said, moving around Calum and going back towards his office, Calum followed after him, "what's wrong?"

"I just quit," Michael said entering his office and picking up his bag.

"Why?" Calum asked.

"I'm protecting Luke and Reece and their baby," Michael said before he opened his cupboard in his office, pulling out the old club he kept in there for his own personally security reasons, he also had a gun in there which he pulled out and put on his desk. He picked up the golf club and looked at Calum, "you might want to step back." He told his, sort of, boyfriend.

Michael then took a step back and brought the golf club up, taking a large swing into his computer screen. Everyone outside the office heard the smash and stopped to stare at Michael as he destroyed his computer, destroying all data on Luke and Reece. Michael was the only analyst in the building so they'd need a new employee and a new system and to start from scratch.

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