syndicate II : chapter twenty seven (+)

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Luke and Reece were taking the kids to the doctors for jabs and inspections. Their names in Italy were Jacob and William Shaw, their kids names were the same but Shaw—though they'd always be a Grean Family.

When their name was called Charlotte looked up to Reece in confusion, "why is it Shaw? We're Grean."

Reece shuffled her in to his arms, "it's Shaw here but at home we're Grean." He said, "but it's just our secret baby girl."

She nodded and leant her head against his chest. She wouldn't question it, she knew their family wasn't like others.

They entered a doctors room, sitting down in front of the doctors desk. "Hello Shaw family." He said, speaking good English though with a heavy Italian accent. "Before we do the tests, is there any questions?"

"Nope." Luke said, "we travel a lot and I just want a check up on the kids." He said.

"Okay, well let's do your daughter first." He said.

Reece stood up and set Charlotte on the bed, "sit still." Reece said.

The doctor stood in front of her, "so what's your name?" He asked her.

"Charlotte, I'm named after my auntie." Charlotte smiled sweetly.

Reece smiled from beside the doctor, he couldn't believe it had been three years since Charlotte had died now. He missed her greatly.

"That's sweet." The Doctor said, "open your mouth." As he checked her mouth over and temperature he glanced at Reece, "how long have you lived here in Italy for?"

"Six months now I think." Reece answered. "We probably won't be here that long."

"Oh how come?" The doctor asked.

"My work makes me move around a lot." Reece answered, glancing at Luke, they had a story for every identity they had.

"My brother does that too." The doctor said, "so where were you when you had the little ones?"

"We had Charlotte in London, back of a cab really. And Mason was in Japan." Reece chuckled, "bit of a stress and a half."

"That must have been hell." The doctor said, "okay Charlotte seems to be doing amazingly." Reece helped her off the bed before Luke sat on the bed with Mason his lap.

Luke looked at Reece, smiling before seeing Reece kept clenching and unclenching his first, "baby leave your hand alone."

"It's tingling again." Reece sighed, sitting down and putting Charlotte on his lap again.

"What happened to your hand?" The doctor asked as he flashed the flashlight in Mason's ears.

"He has an accident with a machine at his work and burnt it badly." Luke said, "it's started tingling now."

"I can have a look at it for you?" The doctor asked, turning off the flashlight and looking at Luke. "I can also have a look at you since you had a child in a taxi. Someone can look after your kids while I look at you both."

Luke looked to Reece, who nodded, "okay, we probably need it badly. We haven't been to a doctor since Reece's accident."

After the kids were taken to a room with two nurses, Reece was sat on the bed beside Luke, his hand on a tray as the doctor looked at it. "Have you kept up with your physiotherapy?"

Syndicate ⇝ Luke Hemmings ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum